Lightning Asshole

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"Daaaaaang" Anna said under her breath. The guild hall was huge!

"Something smells gross." Gramps introduces Juvia as a new Fairy Tail member.

"Gajey!" Anna yells loudly. She ran up to Gajeel and hugged him. Everyone began arguing abut Gajeel being in the guild. While Anna was hugging him, she leaned into his ear.

"Listen here Iron Asshole, you do anything that hurts anyone and you're dragon food." Anna let go and laughed before running back by Erza and Natsu.

Anna and Erza sat down and enjoyed some cake together. Then, Gray stood up. He pushed Erza's cake out of her hands and a mug flew towards Anna and smushed the cake on her cloak.

Anna and Erza stood up at the same time. Anna and Erza both changed into their armor and took their swords out. No one messes with their cake. This means war.

The next few days were spent preparing for a fair. Anna was running around helping people wherever she could.

It was the morning before the harvest festival and Anna was eating breakfast by herself. It was a good morning until someone put a black bag over her head and tied her up. Anna wiggles around. Whoever was carrying her put her in a chair and tied her feet and arms down. The bag came off of her head and Anna was greeted by Erza and Mira.

"Sooo why am I tied up?" Anna asked with a raised brow. All the girls were in weird outfits and were all made up and fancy.

"You're gonna be in the miss fairy tail contest!" Erza chirped. Anna drew a blank.

"Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh why?" Anna asked. Erza squealed (kinda) and explained that as a pretty girl in fairy tail, it was my job to represent the guild.

Once the time came,they untied her.

"And now for our new mysterious beauty. Anna!" Anna was pushed out. She strut out onto the stage.

"It's a bit hot in here isn't it?" The crowd cheered as Anna changed her clothes into a bikini made of ice and shadows. Her bangs were put into buns on her head.

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out and a girl in green came out.

"Don't look her in the eyes!" Gray yelled. Anna looked at the woman who calls herself evergreen and quickly used her defusing magic before the spell hit her.

Anna slowly turned to stone as Laxus revealed his plan. She stayed as still as she could. When Laxus finally left and everyone was gone, well besides Natsu, Gramps and Gajeel, and got rid of her illusion magic.

"Woo. Being stone for even a few seconds really makes ya stiff~" The three males turned to Anna.

"How did you get out?!" Gramps yelled.

"I use ice make magic, but specialize in defusing magic!" Anna said happily.

"I'm going to go out and help everyone. You can count on me!" Anna ran towards the door but ran into the markings.

"You're over 80 too?!" Natsu yelled. Gramps looked at Anna skeptically before talking.

"You're a dragon slayer too, aren't you?" Anna froze at the sound of his voice. Gajeel and Natsu gasped and repeated Gramps' question. Anna looked away and balled up her fists.

"Yes I am, okay!?" She finally spoke. Gramps just nodded knowingly while Gajeel and Natsu flipped.

"If you're a dragon slayer, how come you don't use your power? How do you use different types of magic?" Natsu and Gajeel asked question after question like hungry interviewers.

"Fine! We have time. I'll tell you." Anna sat down on the nearest thing she could find.

"When I was three, my village was attacked by a guild called Shadow Blood. I had just met Angraloth only a year before. All I had was my big brother, but the townspeople took care of us as best as they could." Anna's eyes were already beginning to water, but she continued.

"I was taken hostage because I had dragon slaying magic, yet I was weak and small. Instead of being killed, they took me and used me. They made me do their bidding for four years. Until one night, they cut one of my eyes out. I couldn't take it. I blacked out and when I woke up, I was surrounded by rubble. Big brother #2 found me and let me travel with him. The first thing we did was go and see Angraloth, the king of Hell dragons, but he disappeared the same day your guys' dragons did' Anna took a deep breath. She was so enveloped in her memories, she didn't even realize the reactions the others had. Gramps looked furious and so did Natsu. Although Gajeel wasn't as effected by the story, he was still mad.

"Whenever I could, I would sneak out to see Angraloth. The guild members never found out about it because they would all be asleep, it was all I could do to keep my sanity. He wanted me to escape, but I was too scared. Too scared of what they would do to me or him if they found out. So I always went back. It had been a month since I saw Angraloth when I had finally broken free, I wanted to introduce my new big brother to him before the man left, but dad had already left me." Anna held back the tears as best as she could, but one damn tear managed to slip past her wall.

"It's alright child. One of the hardest things you'll have to do is grieve the loss of family that is still alive" Anna turned away.

"Ah! I cracked Erza! Maybe I came burn her back together" Natsu began to freak out. Anna giggles at his reaction. Suddenly the spell wore off and Erza was not stone anymore.

"I feel hot... NATSU!" Erza yelled.

"Scary~" Natsu hid behind Anna as she used her defusing magic on the other girls. One by one, each of them were freed from the spell.

The others ran out to fight while Levy worked on trying to get Natsu and the others out.

Right before Erza left, something happened to Gramps. He fell over clutching his chest. Mira ran to his side and fussed over him.

"I can take care of him. You guys go and help the others." both girls nodded and ran out of the guild.

"Dragon slayer secret art: regret message

"In a town by a port looking out onto the sea
Alone on the sand stands a girl crying
And a custom persists
And today it still exists
Traditions from long long ago

"Write down a wish on a piece of parchment,
Then place it in a bottle"
If you let it flow
Then someday it will grow
And your heart's desire will be real

Flow along, glass bottle, and please don't take too long,
Cause what I want the most is in that message
And on the other side of this sunset
Right there, my wish will disappear

You would always do everything I asked you to
Really any request of mine yet and I still
Was a spoilt selfish brat and I really regret that
I always caused problems for you

The you who granted me every single wish
Are no longer here by me
On this blue sea, will all my feelings
Arrive to where you are

Flow along, little wish, and please don't take too long,
To take away my tears and all my regret,
It was too late by then, to fix my sins,
When they'd taken you far from me

Flow along, glass bottle, and please don't take too long,
Cause what I want the most is in that message
And on the other side of this sunset
Right there, my wish will disappear

Flow along, little wish, and please don't take too long,
To take away my tears and all my regret,
"If we're ever reborn, I hope in my next life."
[That we'll be twins again]" Gramps was still unconscious, but it seemed he wasn't in much pain anymore.

"C'mon Gramps. You gotta pull through."

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