It's Gettig Real.

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"My Lucy said I had to bring you this far" Lucy looked over the edge. Anna dragged scared Natsu over as she looked out too!

"Awe you're the best. Bye sweets~" Anna said. She waved as they walked away.

The capital was a happy place. People laughing everywhere. It was a fair compared to every other city.

"It looks like something's going on over there!" Wendy called. They all ran over on the crowd following Natsu.

They all stopped. It was the lacrima. Their friends. It had a missing piece.

That's not good.

An old man appeared on a pedestal in front of the crowd.

"Children of Edolas. Out Edima program had produced enough magic power for a decade. Let us rejoice. Let laughter roar through our sacred kingdom!" he announced. Anna bared her teeth and balled up her fists.

The old man stabbed the lacrima with his staff as pieces fell off. It was like slow motion in front of Anna's eyes.


Natsu stopped forwards. Lucy ran at him and hugged him to hold him back.

"Well Hey then all back just wait. Natsu please" She begged. Anna had her hand in Natsu's shoulder and shook her head.

The fair was over and they all sat around in a hotel room.

"Im storming the castle. I went my friends back!" Natsu yelled. Anna nodded.

"We don't even know how to get them out.." Wendy said sadly.

"The king probably knows" Anna blurted out. She stood up and fist pumped.

"We can do this with Gemini" Lucy added. They looked at each other and high fived.

"I don't have my magic, but I do have my hand to hand combat and sword play skills. When I defuse magic power I need to protect myself somehow" Wendy looked at Anna.

"We just need to figure out how to get in" Lucy added.

"I figured out a plan so we can get in range" Carla announced. Anna smiled an patter Pandora. It's been hard on him knowing that he forgot the place he belonged. He didn't know what to do. Anna understood that and gave him space. It was he needs right now.

"When night falls we leave. Try to get some rest" Anna suggested. They all agreed. It wasn't very long to might fall anyway.

They ran through the fog that lingered through the city.

"We should be to the tumble any time now" Carla said. When they reached it Natsu stormed in, but Carla stopped him.

"We need a light source" Carla told everyone. Lucy found torches, but Natsu still couldn't light them. Anna, Lucy and Nastu tried to make fire the one fashioned way.

Anna and Lucy made it easily but Natsu couldn't get a spark. When the torches were lit they headed it.

The quickly reached to a dead end and Lucy summoned Taurus to destroy the wall.

Anna cheered when Taurus broke down the wall. He cow left and they continued on.

Anna looked down and Pandora. He seemed bummed that he couldn't get a map either. He sighed. Anna was worried. She giggled and threw him up in the air slightly. She caught him and put him oh her shoulders.

"You know who you are Pandora" His cat eyes widened and he nodded with a smile.

Suddenly white goo wrapped around them. They couldn't move. A familiar smell hit Anna's nose.

"Erzu Werzy! I haven't seen you in forever!" Anna called out. The soldiers looked at Erza suspiciously.

"I don't know you, so don't act like it" Erza said harsly.

"So no cake?" Anna asked. Crocodile tears fell down her face.

"You can take my life but Lela's give me cake first! Waaaaaaa" She cried.

"Take them away" Erza yelled. They all tripped and fell down. The white goo was pulling them towards the soldiers.

Erza looked down at Carla, Happy, and Pandora.

"Great exceeds I welcome you home" Erza and everyone else bows the them.

"Who are you Happy, Carla, Pandora? I thought you were our friends" Wendy cried in horror.

Carla seems scared and Happy was worried about her. Pandora looked at Anna. She only nodded.

"You know who you are" she said again. They were taken away and thrown into cells. Anna wondered where Pandora was.

"Where are the others?" Natsu yelled. The weird guy told them that they had no need for Lucy and the exceeds went home. Anna sighed. Pandora was safe. But Lucy wasn't.

An slipped up the the bars and looked at the guy.

"This is boring. What's do we get to the good stuff. Like extracting the magic power from the giant lacrima. The king is right. Only loyal people should get power." Anna said confidently. Natsu and Wendy looked at Anna in horror.

"What are you saying?" Natsu yelled. Anna scoffed.

"I'm saying this joke of a guild never took care of me. I was always forced into the shadows. Fairy tail was never my home and it never will be!" Anna yelled in fury. She smacks Natsu across the face. When he tried to hit her back, Anna stopped his fist.

"You really want to fight me, Fairy boy? You're nothing but a dog for the guild. They don't care about you just like they don't care about me!" Anna smacked Natsu away. She kicked him while he was on the ground. Wendy ran over to his side. Anna cracked her neck and glared down at them.

"Fairy tail is just a place rejects and losers come to feel better about themselves." Anna kicked Natsu again and straddles him. She punched him in the face and pulled him up by his collar. She spit in his face.

The guy who put her in there let Anna out. Before she walked away, Anna lifted her cloak and erased her own guild mark.

"I think the king would be glad to have someone like you on the right side" with that the two of them walked away.

With Natsu

Wendy ran to Natsu's side. He was beaten really badly. Wendy started crying. Natsu our his hand in her head.

"Don't worry. She was pulling her punches" Natsu said and smiled. Wendy's eyes widened and she smiled with Natsu.


Shadows Live In Heaven {Rouge x OC}Where stories live. Discover now