Finding True Treasure

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"It's freezing!" Owen complained.

"I told you all to wear something warm today or else." Anna responded. She had the four boys In her arms and she flew towards where the treasure is. Pandora offered to take Mara and Anna wasn't refusing. The four boys were heavy.

It wasn't as cold as before because they were traveling southwest, so Anna could use her wings again.

When night fell, they touched down and set up camp. Anna only had Pandora and her bag. She ended up sleeping on a tree with Pandora in her lap.

It took a total of six days before they reached the area they needed to be in. It was still rather cold and the main source of nature, were mountains. Anna's wings were tired and it would be too cold to fly through the mountains.

They walked for less than an hour before snow volcans surrounded them. Anna smirked.

"I've always wanted to beat us some of these" Anna laughed.

"Ice make tsubaki armor and katana." This armor was a similar fashion to the one Erza wore when fighting sword lady in the tower of heaven. Hers was a ice Qipao and a long katana.

"Bring it" Anna told the volcans. In the matter of seconds, ten of them were out.

"I thought that'd be more fun.." Anna complained while she got rid of her ice armor.

The five others went by Anna's side and continued walking. She followed and kept her eyes peeled.

A bunch of easily defeated ice gollum's kept attacking. If Anna wasn't careful, someone could lose their life. They were easy to take down, but there were a lot of them.

After the twentieth batch of soldiers, Anna was done. As another platoon marched towards them, she cracked.

"You know what? No! Just no!" Anna yelled.

"Defusing dome!" Anna cast the dome around the six of them.

"Stay in this dome and nothing can hurt you if it's crested from magic. I'll lead just in case nature wants to screw us over too" The others looked around at each other.

Once the dome was up, every time a soldier would appear, they would be destroyed by the defusing magic.

Something big was falling from the sky. Anna jumped back and tackled the other with her. It was an explosion.

"Ugh. I'll be right back. This person is making me use magic for no reason. Arm yourself and be aware. This won't take long." Pandora picked up Anna and they took off following her nose.

It was cold, but Anna's annoyance trumped her uncomfortableness. By the time they got close, Anna's nose was freezing.

Anna sighed when she saw who it was.

"Sherry what are you doing?" Anna asked. The pink headed girl turned around.

"Oh it's you!" She said happily. Anna smiled and gave her a hug.

"Now, why are you sending an army of ice dolls after me and my clients?" Sherry blushed and apologized.

"Leon is training right now and I don't want anyone to disturb him!" She said confidently.

"I'm on a job and your little toys are getting in my way. I won't disturb Leon so please stop sending them to me." Sherry nodded and made Anna promise not to disturb her love. Anna giggled and nodded.

Pandora flew Anna back to the five others only to find a fresh pile of snow.

"An avalanche. Pandora, get them out." Anna ordered. Pandora nodded and began to dig. Anna stopped and concentrated on her nose and ears.

When she hers slight mumbling, she ran over and began to dig in that spot. It was Jeal. Anna did the same thing again. Owen. Next was Toko. North. Pandora found Mara and Anna sighed in relief.

"I took care of the wizard. There should be no more obstacles. A friend of mine just so happens to be training here and it seems he took care of every threat. He's just a peach." Anna said. She was referring to Leon.

After that was settled, Anna got a whiff of something weird. It just got stronger and stronger as they walked. Anna put out her hand to stop them.

"Something smells funny. I've smelled it for a while now.." Anna admitted.

There was a cave right in front of the group and Anna walked in first.

"Can't a girl catch a break here?" Anna yelled again. It was a damn giant ice gorilla with the rest of the zoo behind it.

"Leon, I'm so gonna kill you for this." Anna groaned and got to work. By the time she was done, she was panting and sweat dropped down her forehead.

"You guys weren't kidding when you said this would be rough" Anna commented. When she got no answer, she shook her head. It's not like anyone's said anything since they touched down besides Anna.

They walked deeper and deeper into the cave until they found the end. It was lit up by a magic portal. It swirled in the ground.

"The smells' coming from here. Oh well bombs away!" Anna said as she cannon balled into the portal.

She fell for about twenty seconds before she landed on the ground. Anna looked around in awe.

She was on a floating island. Trees, plants and animals; she has never heard it or seen before it surrounded her.

Anna looked behind her to see five houses next to each other. Soon enough, the others were down and gawking.

"Let's go. I feel weird here." Anna commented. Just then, someone came out of the house. Owen stiffened.

"Mama.." he whispered. He released himself and ran at the woman. They shared a hug and everyone else came out of their houses. It was their family. Anna smiled from the back as she watched the touching reunions. If only she could find big brother. would it be the same with them?

One of the woman walked up to Anna and hugged her. She offered Anna tea and she couldn't refuse.

They spent a long time talking until the woman asked a strange question.

"How did you get here from earth land?" Anna tilted her head to the side and repeated the word 'earth land' as a question.

"Yes, this is Edolas" the woman went into further detail about the exceeds and how they're the only ones with magic and that they rule Edolas. Anna was taken aback. She had never heard anything like this before. They talked about how different the two worlds were for a while until it started getting dark.

"I've got to go back to Earth land. It was nice meeting you all" Anna said as she stood up.

The five of them met Anna outside and said goodbye.

"You have found your true treasure. hold it close this time~" Were Anna's parting words.

Pandora lifted Anna off the ground and they flew back through the portal. It closed behind them, making the cave dark.

Anna just wanted to go home, so she let Pandora sleep in her arms as she walked down the mountain.

It was morning when they reached the bottom. Anna spread out her wings and took off. It only took three days to fly back without all the added weight. Anna spent the night at the run down inn she met the group at and left for Fairy tail in the morning.

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