Futures Tragedy

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Anna went on a complete rampage. She had killed Nivyrair and now she was about to destroy the blue dragon.

"Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die" Anna changed in rage. With another swing of her spear the dragon got smacked to the ground.

"Die. Die!" Anna continued. She ran her spear through the dragons heart, and another one fell. The dragon that was made out of fire began attacking the mother. Anna decided to leave those two alone for now.

Next was the stone dragon. With. Mighty roar Anna tried to stab the stone dragon, but her spear was deflected. She stabbed it over and over again, but the blade kept bouncing off.

With a snarl Anna's weapon began to glow. The light burst from it once more and instead of a spear the weapon slit into a fan and a blue stone shaped like a tear and metal wrapped decoratively around it.

"Goddess tear and angels fan". She tossed the tear into the air and flapped her fan. Two giant blades of wind crashed into the stone and boulders began to roll off. The tear fell back into Anna's hands.

"Goddess tear rain!" Light blue light shot up in the sky as burst.  Drops of pure magic power began to rain from the sky. Small explosions from the tears left the stone dragon in crumbles.

Another shout ripped out of Anna's throat.

"Heaven dragon slayer secret art: angel with a shotgun

"Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It can't be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky
Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river won't run to the sea
I won't let you fly
I won't say goodbye
I won't let you slip away from me
Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel
So hold on
Be strong
Everyday, hope will grow
I'm here, don't you fear
Little one, don't let go
(Tears of an angel) Don't let go
(Tears of an angel) Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh
(Tears of an angel) Don't let go
(Tears of an angel) Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh
Cover my eye
Cover my ears please
Tell me these words are a lie" the rain had finally stopped when Anna's voice was cut off.

"Heaven scythe come to me!" The angel tear and fan disappeared and it was replaced with a simple white scythe with small feathers adorning the top. With the scythe Anna cit off the head of stone dragon, but not before Anna was hit with the stone dragons wing attack.

Anna went flying into the eclipse gate along with her scythe whose blade got stuck in the gates.

With Natsu

Natsu just took down Rouge.

"Why did you turn like this?" Natsu asked standing over future Rouge's body.

"Frocsh is dead. Then soon after that Anna dies protecting you! She was all I had and she was taken away because of you! I will change that. Anna will be my queen. We will rule alongside Acnalogia!" Rouge yells.

"They are alive and well now!"  Natsu yelled.

The fire dragon, Ignus Flame, Natsu's uncle gave Natsu his flames. With ken shot he took down future Rouge and the mother dragon, but he kept going.

With Natsu in the middle of a ball of flames he crashes into the gate right next to Anna. The gate was completely destroyed now, and the dragons along with Rouge began to glow.

"The shadow. The shadow will continue to follow me. He's relentless he won't be satisfied until he swallowed me whole. And then on that faithful day that Frosch dies  it will finally happen. I will be swallowed by the darkness forever" Rouge told Natsu.

"That will never happen!" Nastu told him.

" lmost certainly will. One year from now. You must warn the Rouge from your time to protect Frosch." Natsu's eyes widen when he heard who kills Frosch.

"They will kill Frosch" with those parting words Rouge disappeared along with the rest of the dragons.

Anna plummeted to the ground just in time for Rouge from her time to catch her.

Anna's power was completely gone. She had used up all the magic power she could generate in her three origins.

Through blurry eyes Anna looks up at Rouge.

"Angraloth? When did you become a human?" Anna whispered.

"Or are you and angel?" Not being able to say anything else Anna passed out.

Shadows Live In Heaven {Rouge x OC}Where stories live. Discover now