Rough Crowd

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When Anna woke up, she was lying in a bed while the other girls that joined the alliance were trying on cute clothes.

Lucy set down a pretty black and red outfit on her lap.

"Thank your for shielding me from Zero." Anna nodded and changed. It was a black loose belly shirt with a low v-cut and sleeves that had cut shoulders and ended at her elbow. She had black shorts and a red skirt that as pretty much just two pieces of cloth wrapped around a golden belt. Anna was given a neck piece that was black with red gems and earrings to match.

Anna walked out of the tent and joined the others across from the Caitshelter people.

"We are not the ancestors, but the nirvana people themselves. Light is born from darkness and darkness is born from light. The two will forever be entertained.

Anna watched as Wendy's guild disappeared. She sobbed. Anna didn't know what to do. Erza walked up to Wendy and placed her hand on her shoulder. They grieved together.

"I know the pain all too well. Of losing a loved one, but you'll heal. We will help you.." Wendy looked back at Erza.

Anna began to sway and told Lucy she was going to leave. When no one could see her, Anna collapsed. She crawled to her bed and passed out.

Anna woke up and immediately ran outside and puked.

"I hate moving anything" Anna groaned. Wendy ran up to her and cast the Troya spell. Anna's eyes widened and she cried while hugging onto Wendy.

"I love you." she cried.

Everyone made it back to the guild safely. Everyone said their hello's while Anna stood in the back. Gramps walked up to her. Anna looked down.

"Welcome home child." Anna looked down and hugged Gramps while hugging him to her chest.

"Thanks Gramps!" Anna's said. She smiled, but a nagging feeling in he back of her head was telling her that she had no home. Right then Anna believed it.

"Let's celebrate!!" He yelled. The guild cheered and Anna smiled as she stepped into the fray.

Once again everything was calm, well at least as calm as things can be. Anna decided to take a job. She ripped the one with the highest reward and handed it to Mira.

"You really want to take his one?" Anna glanced down at the post.

Treasure has been found in the north. Wizard needed to support and protect the hunters. 900,000 jewl.

Anna shrugged and Mira stamped the job and handed her the thing back. It was easy enough. After packing a small purse, Anna left.

Anna walked by until she reached a forest. When she was deep enough, she let her wings out and took off north.

After a day or two, it became too cold and Anna couldn't fly anymore. She decided it would be better to walk.

Anna stumbled upon a small coffee shop. It would warm her up so she stepped in. There were only two people besides the man working over the counter. One was blonde and the other had black hair and red eyes. They left just as she walked in.

The boy with black hair and Anna met eyes. His eyes widened . The boy turned his head around and ran after the blonde boy. Anna stood by the door, watching the two boys leave.

"Um ma'am?" Anna snapped back and turned around. She walked up to the counter and ordered something to drink. She finished her drink quickly and left.

Anna was already in the town when she needed to be, so she might as well meet up with the crew.

After double checking the job request, she walked into an old run down hotel.

"I'm a wizard from fairy tail. You should have been notified when I took the job." a girl with dark skin and short black hair turned around and sized up Anna. She just smiled and waved.

"I'll take you to the crew." Anna nodded and skipped over to her before following her into another room.

There were four people aside from the girl and Anna.

"Yo" Anna greeted. The four males looked at her as if she was crazy. Finally, one of them spoke up. He had an eye patch and scruffy brown hair.

"This isn't a game and we won't be friends. We are looking for something big. You better protect us properly." Anna yawned and shook her head.

"Yup. Got it. Let's head out first thing in the morning. And if you don't mind, can I have a map to where we're going?" Anna sighed and reached for the map handed to her.

The girl from before who identified herself as Mara, walked Anna up to her room. Pandora had been quiet at Anna's side the whole time.

"That was rude! If you're helping them, they should at least be grateful." Pandora said. Anna shook her head.

"This is important to them." Pandora sighed and snuggled into bed with Anna.

Anna's eyes snapped open. Pandora was still asleep next to her. She got out of bed and made a knife with her ice make magic. The door slowly crept open and Anna silently got behind whoever it was and held the knife to their neck.

"Why are you here" She said seriously. The person held their hands up.

"I just wanted to talk with you." An unknown voice answered. Anna let go of him and removed the dagger, but didn't get rid of it. Whoever it was, they switched on the lights as Anna sat down in bed.

Anna recognized him. It was one of the four men.

"My name is Toko. I just thought since we never got to introduce ourselves, I would do it later." Anna sighed again and nodded.

"The one with long black hair is Jeal, the one who was talking is Owen, and the last one is North." Anna nodded her head.

"I'm sorry about how Owen treated you, but this is really important to all of us. You see, we were all friends when we were kids. One day, we all dreamt about a chest, but at the end there was a warning. I could never forget it. Find it, or what you hold dear will be taken. That's what it said. The following few years were a disaster for all of us. We lost our houses and had to move, and then our food and lastly our families just disappeared. It was then we all found each other again. We made a vow to find whatever this was and maybe we could get our families back. It took us years to find it. When we did, we all rushed over, but we never made it. One after one, something would stop us, we even lost our guide. That's why we need your help" Anna nodded.

"I will help. I know what it's like to lose everything and then have the one person you have left disappear.." Toko's face dropped a bit and he nodded in understanding. He got up to leave, but Anna stopped him at the door.

"Tell your friend to wear something warm tomorrow, they'll regret it" Anna said happily. Toko shook at her phrasing and agreed before going back to his own room.

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