3) Suddenly Saved

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Yaaaay I finally updated! Took long enough --_--

Pic of the amazingly sexy Kaede ;)        >>>>>>>>


>>Robyn’s Perspective<<

            I woke up to water. The cold liquid spilled onto my nose and streamed down my dirty cheeks, managing to get into my eyes and mouth. I coughed when I gasped for breath and the water slid into my throat. I sat up immediately, coughing into my hand. Suddenly, arms wrapped around me tightly.

            “Oh thank god you’re okay,” I heard Laney whisper. Was she crying? I blinked the water from my eyes and turned to look at Lane. She’d let me go and was staring at me with wet, dreary eyes.

            “Laney,” my eyes widened incredulously, “I-I thought you couldn’t move..!”

            “Well that’s a long story. I’m just glad you’re okay Red,” she breathed. She took a quick sip of the water she held in her hands.

            “Yeah me too,” I sighed. “I swear this forest is like a desert, you know? And it’s so easy to get lost in…”

            “Yeah. You were gone for a while,” she passed me a water bottle. “Here, you need this.” My mouth would have watered if I had any saliva left. My tongue was swollen and numb, craving the molten taste of water.

            I jugged the bottle faster than I thought was even possible. And afterwards I felt like puking, but I held it down with all my strength. Laney was sitting against the hollow tree eating what looked like a peach. Her eyes were closed; she looked so exhausted. I was tired too though. The sky, I noticed, read dawn, but it was still dark out.

            My mind traveled to the dream world. I thought about the guy that I met there: Kyogi. He knew about the dream world and what was going on, so maybe he could help me with my situation…? Oh well, until tonight. I thought.

            “So, what happened to you while I was gone?” I asked.

            Laney looked up and yawned. “Oh, right. Well I don’t really know what happened. I think I like woke up and I felt a little better. I sat up and then a few minutes later some strange shadowy thing came out from the shadows. I don’t know I think I was just going crazy. It was probably my imagination. But then I fell asleep again and when I woke up next I was covered in leaves and I felt so much better. And then I saw you and this tree… and then I woke you up,” she explained quietly.

            “Oh, that’s creepy,” I muttered.

            “Yeah,” she sighed, “hey where were you anyway?”

            I pursed my lips in a straight line. “Oh well I was just like walking and I guess I kinda forgot about going back. I ended up walking like 40 miles in a random direction. Then this kid like started talking to me and I don’t know it was weird.”

            “Whoa whoa hold up… you found someone?!” she exclaimed.

            “Yeah but he didn’t let me come with him. He just like left and I didn’t know what to do. Sorry,” I sighed. “He was a kid anyway I didn’t know what was going on.”

            She sat back with a sigh. “It’s fine. But we have to get out of here, you know.” Then she handed me a sheet of paper. I unfolded it, only to be met with a large scale drawing of a forest. “By the way our phones don’t work.”

A Bird in Black Light (Naruto Fanfic and Kakashi love story)Where stories live. Discover now