Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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A lot of time has passed, my friends. Welcome. Welcome to the new NoR. Better strap in, it's going to be one bumpy ride.


You didn't know how much time you had left, your eyes gazing absently out over Minas Morgul. The city was ever shrouded in its' ruined state, the wandering souls of the dead forever battling the Uruk who still dare to try and call it their home or plunder it for loot. A lifetime ago, you had taken the city back, intent on ousting the Witch-King and his minions, to stage a rebellion against all of Mordor to give Middle-earth time to prepare for the inevitable. The Eye, ever burning atop Barad Dur as Celebrimbor and Sauron were locked in a battle of wills, taunts you. It reminds you that your fight is all but destined to fail. It was a painful reminder, but your father always told you that even if your battle ends in death, go down with your sword in hand.

You have lived by those words since. Since your revival, since the forging of the New Ring, since Celebrimbor betrayed you and left you for dead. Yet, how many have you killed? How many have you dominated? How many have been saved because you've held back the tide alone with an army of Uruks at your every beck and call?

You look down at Isildur's Ring, now yours. Its glowing orange gem swirls and pulses with power, the whispers of Sauron filling your head. Your will is slowly being consumed, replaced by complete obedience as his hold on you strengthens further. Something inside of you tries to fight against the corruption, but it's in vain. The last vestiges are stripped from you, leaving nearly nothing but pure Nazgûl.

"It is over." A ghostly armored hand covers your shoulder; turning your head to see the restored Witch-King and the other seven Nazgûl standing before you. "You have had your fun. The time for this little act of rebellion is at an end. Together, we will turn towards Middle-earth."

"Come, brother." The Witch-King held out his other hand for you to take. You reach out to do so, but another presence suddenly tears through the darkness.

"I don't think so." From above, another swirling black mass, this one far larger and different than those of the Nazgûl, would break the clouds and land between you and the Witch-King. The balcony explodes with debris as you are sent flying over the railing and into the city below. The shriek of three fellow Nazgûl tears through the air as they quickly follow to try and recover you. But before they reach you, massive arachnid claws skewer them out of the sky and send them back to the abyss.

The dust clears to reveal a massive spider that you have not seen in a very long time. It had been long since you had uttered her name—a being who would do anything to topple Sauron from his throne. Someone who was never ally nor foe to you, so long as the Dark Lord was opposed.

"Shelob." You utter as the spider quickly turns into her human form, using her powers to get you to your feet. Her hands grip your shoulders, making you realize that you are reaching for your sword. The Ring! It was making you act out without even realizing it. You try to remove it, but her fingers lace over yours and stop you dead in your tracks.

"No, you will require its power still. Trust what I say." So she tells you, as you can see a motherly worry in her eyes. It had been long, but you had never seen nor expected to see Shelob have the capacity to worry.

"You!" Turning around, the Witch-King and the remaining Nazgûl have gathered weapons at the ready. "Relinquish the boy, Shelob. He belongs to the Dark Lord."

"Struggle all you wish, but his purpose is far from over. He will be enslaved no more." Her voice booms, but her tone remains passive. The Witch-King orders the others to attack, but Shelob enshrouds you and her in a giant vortex of black magic. Finally, she turns back to you, "There is not much time, but I have seen another vision. You have fulfilled your purpose here; the One Ring will be destroyed, but so will you."

The Nazgûl Of Remnant Vol. 1 [Redux]Where stories live. Discover now