you're always in a rush, i can't keep up

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mood: car radio- twenty one pilots

Wednesday, August 29th, 4:30 am

The first few weeks of school went by slowly but surely. Luckily nothing worse happened since the first day of school for Louis, maybe a few shoves here and there, and maybe a couple hits were made but nothing as bad as the warm welcoming he received. Monet hasn't spoken to Louis since that day, not that he expected her to. Though, she would stand up when they would start to rough house with him.

Louis woke up early in the morning to finish the homework he fell asleep on the night before. He hates not doing his homework, but he was exhausted. The day was so long and he never had much energy for anything. Though he didn't mind doing homework, it just took so much energy out of him because it took everything in him to spend hours doing it. He was tired but rolled out the bed to finish it up. He winced with every step he took from his bed to his desk (the first steps were always the hardest in the morning). Slow, dragging steps were made as he walked to his desk, stopping to feed his animals before sitting in his chair. His desk lamp came to life by a click of switch and he began finishing up his homework.

6:00 am

Louis finally completed his work and collapsed his head on the surface of his desk, he was just so exhausted. He couldn't focus on his homework at all; his mind kept wondering to other things, things that he couldn't shake. No matter what he did, his mind always went there. Those horrid thoughts would play in his mind like a movie that he didn't know how to turn off. Not only would he think about the events but he could see them and that was the worse part. Seeing and reliving his past was detrimental in every possible way and he felt hopeless. Hopeless and broken. With his head resting on top of his arms, Louis sobbed.

There was a light knock on the door causing Louis to snap up from the desk. "Louis, honey. Are you awake?" his mum's voice could be heard through the door.

He started to panic. Even though she couldn't see him he didn't want her to know, she couldn't know. "Um, uh yeah. Give me one second," he said shakily, frantically searching for pants and a sweater to put on.

"No need to rush sweetheart, take your time. Breakfast will be waiting for you downstairs." Louis could hear his mum going down the stairs, footsteps getting softer and softer. He sighed heavily and threw himself on his bed. His eyes kept fluttering closed, but he tried his best to keep them open, but he was so exhausted.

Louis walked downstairs with his backpack slung over his shoulder, walking into the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge and headed out. "I'm going to school, bye mum," Louis said awkwardly walking towards the door.

"You're not gonna eat?" his mum asked from the table. Louis shook his head and proceeded to the door. "Here, at least take this with you." Laura walked towards him with an apple in her hand. Louis stared at the apple not wanting to take it but did anyway. He gave her a faint smile and walked out the door closing it quietly behind him. He tucked the apple into his backpack and went on his way.

As he made his way down the driveway, he spotted Harry getting out his house and unlocking his car. The past few weeks Harry would either drive or be picked up from his house by friends. And the few times he saw Zayn picking him up, Louis would stay in his house until they left. He was sure Zayn told him how Louis lives across the street alongside numerous of bad things. It wasn't a surprise or any shock but there might've been a slight pinch in his heart because he hoped Harry would be different than the rest of them.

He looked to the ground and flipped his hood up, pulling on the strings to cover his face. Louis quicken his pace to avoid any unwanted interaction with Harry. "Hey, Louis," Harry said loudly but Louis pretended as if he didn't hear and kept on his way. "Louis? Hey, Louis." Harry jogged across the street to meet Louis on the other side. "Slow down cowboy, you'll make it in time." Harry put his hand on Louis' shoulder to get him to stop. He stopped, but tensed immediately at the touch and squeezed his eyes shut. "Are, are you okay?" Harry removed his hand and Louis immediately relaxed but was still on guard.

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