part two

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mood: at last- etta james

Saturday, November 17th 5:22 pm

Harry continued to drive down the streets in the outskirts of London. The night was approaching soon and he knew he had to get to the destination quickly or else Louis would be getting anxious by the second from the darkening sky. It wasn't like the sun was going to set in a few minutes but still. The sky was beautiful though. The sky was still somewhat blue but was starting to change into a rainbow just barely. There weren't too many clouds in the sky but the few that were there only added to the picturesque view. The streets were busy as always, especially since he was driving towards town.

Louis stared out the window and watched the city pass by without sparing a glance over to the driver's seat. His mind was rattling with everything from what was going to happen to how it was going to happen. Obviously they were going to have a talk and he knew what it was going to be about, but there were so many ways to approach the situation and thus have so many outcomes. Harry could say that it wasn't cool what he did but still was willing to be friends and things would be extremely awkward or that maybe he liked Louis and wanted to be in a relationship with him and they'd have a fairytale ending. Though the latter seemed highly unlikely, it was still an option.

As the traffic got busier and busier, Louis quirked a brow and looked around at his surroundings in suspicion. "We're not going somewhere in town are we?" he finally spoke up. He didn't look in his direction, but speaking was some sort of progress.

Initially, Harry thought conversation help calm everything down but it only made him even more nervous because Louis still hadn't looked at him so what was that supposed to mean? "Um, no," he weakly stated. "D-did you want to? Because I could change the plans."

Louis shook his head, pulling his knees towards his chest. "No. Was just wondering because I didn't bring any money."

"You know I'll never have you pay for yourself." All Louis did was sigh and rest his temple against knees. Harry awkwardly cleared his throat and shifted his bum in his seat. "Um, well we're about five minutes out now so, yeah." Again, he received no response so he drove the rest of the way in crippling silence. It had never been that awkward between the two of them, ever— not even when Harry tried to get Louis to crack out his shell— but thankfully it wasn't too long until they arrived to their destination and just like every other time Harry brought Louis somewhere, he was left in confusion when the car was parked in a lot with absolutely nothing around. No buildings, no noise, no cars, nothing.

"This time around I'm truly not sure if you want to kill me or not." They both got out the car and met at the boot. It was ridiculous because Louis should know Harry would never want such a thing.

"Just wanted a peaceful place to talk where no one could interrupt." He started to walk towards the open trail with Louis tailing behind like a lost puppy.

"The sun is going to set soon." Unlike their previous endeavours, Louis didn't have to fight with nature to get a proper walk because thank god Harry finally chose a path made for hiking.

"Makes it even better." Just when he thought the walk was going to be easier that time around, Harry turned off the trial and went through some branches to get to another trail that looked like a not often used deer path, holding back a few branches back as Louis walked passed. There were rocks lined up on the grass going towards a certain direction and it definitely made Louis' anxiety skyrocket when Harry followed them.

"I don't think you should follow the rocks Harry." Nonetheless Louis followed him, trusting that he knew where he was going.

"It's fine Lou. Niall brought me here earlier so I could place them so you and me wouldn't get lost." Though that was partially the reason, he didn't want to say too much and spoil anything early on, especially when he was uncertain where Louis stood. "And we're here." They reached a cleared out patch with a circle trees still surrounding them. It was nothing special, really. There were no gimmicks or romantic things; it was just a cliff overlooking the city. "Come, sit next to me." Harry pat the spot next to him before looking back out to the city. From at a distance you couldn't really see or hear the hustling and bustling of The Big Smoke which was kind of nice to see for a change. Everyone in the city was always on the move, even in the late hours of the night, so it was nice to see such a vast contrast.

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