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The boat ride made me sick. I don't know why my father, King of Switzer, forced me to go with him. Why did I,  Prince Earlen, have to go to a small place like Kattegat? I have more important duties in Switzer, more important than desperately trying to make an allience with these vikings fore the sole purpose that they don't raid our lands. At least the worst part is over and we are back on land. The land of Kattegat. As we got off of our boats vikings greated us, they aren't the warmest people, but I don't mind an excuse to avoid physical contact. The wooden dock started creaking when we walked away from our boats and into the crowd of curious people. The wind suddenly picked up as we walked towards the Great Hall, the waves behind us thrashed. From the crowd, archers and axe weilders appeared and formed a circle around us. My father's men drew their swords but I signaled them to stand down,

"We are not here to pose a threat." I said camly. Instantly, they all withdrew their weapons.

"Who are you?" asked an archer in Old Norse. Since father made me study that language, I answered him.

"We are here to speak to Queen Lagertha." I slowly drew my sword and placed it on the muddy floor, as did the other men. A few moments of tense silence passed until we were escorted to the hall.

"You see?" The king said as we walked. "I told you you'd be useful." He cheerfully smiled.


This party was too much for me. 

After we had become allies with the northmen, Lagertha decided to have a party, for the "celebration of new partnerships", whatever that means. I just wanted to have some time to think alone and breath for a while. So I slipped out of the hall unnoticed, because everyone was too busy focusing on themselves. After silently closing the large door, I sighed and gazed out into the starry night. Fog was hovering over the small houses and the moonlight reflected the distant sea. I sat down and closed my eyes, praying this moment would never end, but it did end. The sound of a door opening and closing perturbed the sereness of the night.

"Prince Earlen." said someone, I kept my eyes closed. "What are you doing? You don't like parties?"

I finally decided that I should be a decent person and look at the person they speak. So when I opened my eyes, a young man stood before me. He had piercing blue eyes, even in the dark, his hair was short, unlike many of the men here, and he wore a charming smile. I instantly remembered who he is.

"Ivar the Boneless." I said as I stood up. "I remember you from the meeting, you are the son of the infamous Ragnar Lo-"

"Yes, yes." he interrupted. "I am constantly reminded of who my father was."

Ah, I thought, he knows how I feel. My eyes quickly went down to his legs. "Aren't you- well boneless in your legs?" I slowly asked.

He chuckled "I am, but with the help of these boots" he pointed to his legs "I can walk like a normal man." How interesting.

We both sat down and talked for a while, not about alliences or enemies, just about normal things. He told me about an adventure he went on to England, and told me stories of Kattegat. I did the same. I explained why Switzer hasn't been raided and I told him about myself. I don't know why I was so open with him, a man I had just met today, but I was, and he was as well.

"You know, Ivar, you aren't who I thought you'd be." I said as I leaned against the wall of The Hall.

"How so?"

"I heard many awful things about you. People said you are violent and coldhearted. But now I see you are the complete opposite of that. You truly are." I whispered. He just smiled at me. His face was soon close to mine as I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"I want to kiss you" he mumbled, thinking out loud. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Come, let's go for a walk." And then, I didn't feel so bad about coming here.

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