The Truth Shall Set You Free

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"Kayla, no stop, please. I'm sooo sorry!!" A thousand memories rushed through Kayla's head. "You put your fucking hands on me, cheated with my best friend, and almost made me miss my daddy's last FUCKING MOMENTS!!!" She started swinging, beating him with everything she had in her. While beating him she heard a car pull up, she never stopped beating him. The door opened and the person crept upstairs. She realized somebody was actually there. She stopped and stood behind the door waiting. It gave him enough time with the little strength he had, to make a run for it. He flew out the room and ran into Kierra, Kayla coming behind him with the bat in her hand. "Kayla, stop. Please don't do this. I know you're hurting but please stop." Kierra looked Kayla in her eyes, tears flowing. "Suck it up. Ain't no time for tears, this bastard beat me, almost made me miss my father's final moments, and cheated on me. This bitch gotta pay." She pushes pass Kierra and continues to follow him outside. She started busting the windows out his car while he sat in it trying to call 911. When the police arrive and saw the damage, she quickly put on tears and an act. "How could you, why would you. You said you wouldn't beat on me like the rest." The police, realizing who she was, put him in the back of the police car and took him to the station. Kayla proceeded to leave but is stopped by Kierra. "Why would you lie like that." Kayla looked at her wiping the fake tears from her eyes, "Because I can." She left and went back home to find all of the guests gone. "Kayla, please tell me you did nothing illegal." Her mom looked at her with an answer already formulated in her mind. "Let's just say that he will probably be gone away for a very long time. 

2 Days Later

Kayla and her mother leave and go to the funeral home to finalize arrangements for Bishop's funeral. "Mom, I still don't know why we had to go with white. I mean, why not a gold casket. We have the money for it and we'll be far from broke." "Your father wanted a white casket so we will have a white casket." "Dad can't say what he want he's dead." "It's settled his casket is white." Suddenly, her phone rings, Marcus was calling to confirm their date. "Hmm, date with Marcus, finally listening to your father." As much as she hated to admit it, she knew deep down her father was right. It's sad that it took so long for her to come to the realization that maybe Marcus was what she needed. They made it to the funeral home and finalized the arrangements in time for Kayla to go home and change. When she made it to where her and Marcus was supposed to meet she ran into Daemon who, to her surprise, had been waiting for her. "Where is Marcus?" She asked with a look of concern on her face. "Oh, your little friend you were supposed to be meeting, aka, my step brother. He's at home gloating over the fact that I got locked up." She looked at him with a confusing look. "So you knew who he was and you knew about me prior to meeting me." She thought about the way he mysteriously walked up to them at the party the night they met. "So when you walked up to us that night at the party, it wasn't because you noticed us looking at you and laughing, it was because you wanted to ruin my life." He looked at her with a devilish smirk, the same devilish smirk she fell in love with, "All things in time, time will reveal." He got up and left her standing there, clueless, heartbroken, and wondering where to go from here. 

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