chapter six

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People in the Division don't like the stunt I pulled with the fruit at all. A minute after the fruits explode, about five guards run into the cafeteria and tackle me to the ground. As if that would do anything. I yelp and can hear the girl shouting about how insolent it is of me to use my Freak power against her. Did she not just levitate my food to her tray? I actually laugh. It's a weird sound, like my mouth isn't used to making it.

    I let the guards drag me and shove me in my padded cell without a struggle. They close the door behind them, closing me off from the misery of society. I flop down on the padded floor now and let out a huff of air as my back hits the hard, white, never ending cushion. I stare up at the ceiling, wishing I could see the sky instead of this padding for once.

    This is my life. It's a series of torture sessions, red lines, and white padding. My eyes stay closed even when I hear the cell door open and close as someone enters. It's a lot of effort to try not to cry. I put in that effort every day because even though I know life isn't fair, it should never be this unfair. I'm not strong enough to live like this.

    When will I stop pretending I am?

    "You should have just zapped her to ashes, love." Parker's voice brings me back from my misery. I don't have to open my eyes to know he's now in my cell. "Remember when we first met?" I remain silent. Before I can blink, a memory surfaces.

"Favorite color?" I asked Parker and he thought about it for a second.

    "Green." He answered. "Like your eyes." This made me blush because as a thirteen year old, I was not used to such compliments from a fifteen year old.

We were sitting across from each other in the cafeteria with our trays empty and our stomachs not even close to full. He started this game of questions by asking me my favorite number. Of course I said four because that was my number at the asylum. I was the fourth one there and now there are at least sixty that have joined me.

"What's your favorite animal?" Parker was so interested in all of my answers that I almost laughed. Almost. Of course I didn't because I didn't think my throat remembered how to make such a sound.

"A bird." I replied and his eyebrows rose. "They're free to go wherever they want and do whatever they want. What's not to love about an animal that has that kind of freedom?" His eyes darkened, and he nodded but added nothing to my statement.

"Favorite memory?" I knew this was a really personal question but he didn't even flinch. His face actually cleared and then he smiled as if remembering something pleasant.

"I have many but the one you will understand is when I first saw you." He replied and my whole body tensed up. How was that favorite memory? "Not because of what happened to your family, calm down. But the first time I ever laid eyes on you, your eyes were lit up and you were practically glowing. Then everyone around me dropped like flies. It was probably the most impressive thing I had ever seen. I know that is not a good memory for you but, Riles, you looked remarkable." I wasn't sure whether to be insulted that this was his favorite memory or to thank him for the compliment.

I simply remained silent.

Somehow, my mouth managed a small smile and I looked down at my empty tray. At thirteen, I merely assumed he was telling me that the first time he saw me he thought that I looked beautiful. Maybe that wasn't what he was actually trying to point out, but that's what I came up with.

"Get up, mutant." A guard was suddenly next to me and gripping my arm, so I stood up. One of the kitchen assistants rushed in and grabbed my tray from the table. I guess lunch was over.

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