chapter eight

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"Hey, Freak! Come over here and train with us." Josh calls when I enter the gym once again. I feel weird in the uniform. I looked in the mirror before I left and shoved my hair in a high pony tail to keep it out of my eyes. Naturally, my hair ends just a little bit above my butt. In the pony tail, it hits the bottom of my shoulder blades.

    The uniform consists of camouflage cargo pants, a matching jacket with lots of pockets and symbols, and tan colored combat boots that I tied myself. The jacket is really cool, actually. It has my last name – Evans – on the chest, the branch – army – symbol on the other side of the chest, and my rank. I'll have to ask what it means but the symbol looks like an arrow pointing up. Parker's symbol is four silver stars in a row which, of course, means General.

    When I approach Josh, I look at his symbol which is arrows like mine but two of them and they're on top of each other. The soldier whom I spoke to at lunch is next to Josh and he has the same symbol as me. There are a few other guys with them.

There's a built, short guy with his black hair buzz cut like the rest of them. Another guy is about an inch shorter than Parker, but unlike Parker, he has no muscle to him. He looks too boney. The last guy in the group is about my height, big nose, callous eyes, and has a different symbol than the rest of us and Josh. His has a tall silver rectangle. Nothing more.

    By the way this guy is standing, this symbol must make him the dominant one in the group. He has his chest out, straight posture like he has a ruler taped to his spine, feet a good distance away from each other, arms tense behind his back, and eyes narrowed at me. Great.

    Someone already doesn't like me and I haven't said a word.

    "Yes?" I question Josh and he rolls his eyes.

    "As soon as the General comes in, we'll be running some drills. I thought you might want some people to run with. If not, too bad." He explains and I try not to gawk at him. "Shit, man. Don't look so surprised." I smile at that.

    "Okay." I answer and Josh gives me a dubious look like I answered wrong.

    "This is Levi." Josh introduces me to the guy from lunch. I give him a small smile. "This is Miles," the short one, "This is Ty," the bony one, "And this is Ryder." Even his name sounds mean. I don't even try to smile at Ryder. I give him a nod of acknowledgment.

    "What's your rank?" I ask and if I thought he was already frowning, I was wrong. Is that not an inappropriate question? I feel like it might not be but, then again, what do I know?

    "First Lieutenant." He informs like I'm stupid. His voice is stone cold and so deep it sounds like a bass drum. I don't flinch like I want to; I just stand and nod my head. I was going to ask what my symbol stands for, but I already feel like an idiot so I better not push it. That's when Parker enters. Upon his arrival, everyone filters into rows and stands at attention.

    Well, everyone but me.

    I swallow hard and try to look less awkward than how I feel. Parker gestures for me to join them so I go to the back and stand next to...Ty? He offers me a tight smile but stares straight ahead at Parker. I sigh before standing at attention like the rest.

    "Alright, men." He addresses us. "You will be running outside today. You will run through the field, circle around the courtyard when you reach it, and then come back here. Once everyone is back, you will be dismissed to weights. After that you will go to dinner, hit the showers, and retire to your quarters. Is that understood?" Outside? I'm going outside? Oh my god.

    "Yes, Sir." They respond in unison. I don't say a thing because I'm too nervous and distracted. I'm going outside. I haven't been in at least seven years. Even when I turned ten, I don't think I had been outside for a while. My dad was always afraid officials would find me and take me away.

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