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I said to save you
Save you
Save you
Someone to save you
What you need is
Someone to save you

- Someone to save you, One Republic


There have been multiple times over the course of Ash's time on Earth where she is grateful for the lessons that Smith forced her to run until her legs were jelly.

Now, as the group sprints through Grounder territory towards the location the now dead Grounder said their friends would be.

Bellamy and John have carried Ash for a while, but her weight had been too much to carry along with their packs. Bellamy has instead settled for an arm around her tender shoulder, a blessing in disguise.

Each step was painful, and after mile four she started to breathe in painfully—as quiet as she could—but she still hopped along as fast as she could.

Her muscles were strained beyond relief, her jaw set in a firm, determined line. If anyone were to look at her, they could definitely see just how much pain she was in.

Still, she keeps her jaw clenched shut to force herself not to say anything.

John, however, doesn't seem to get the memo. "Everything is Grounder territory, all right? I can't keep running." He stops running, causing everyone else to do the same. "We don't even know if the guy Finn killed was telling the truth."

Finn walks back and grabs John's shoulder, pulling him and a breathless and pained Ash forward, "Move."

"Hey! We can give them a minute." Bellamy barks, giving them the sympathetic looks as he too tries to catch his breath.

"No, we can't. You heard what the Grounder said, they'll outlive their usefulness"  Finn retorts.

While the two fight, Ash sits on a boulder nearby, sighing happily at how amazing feels to get off her knee.

"Yeah, I heard what you said, right when you put a gun to his head."

Flashes of the horrid scene re-play in Ash's mind, her eyes momentarily blurring as she sees it again.

She definitely isn't going to forget that anytime soon.

Finn shakes his head, "Look, do you think I wanted to do that? He would've told his people that we were coming. And by the time we got there, our people would be dead. Maybe that's something you can live with, but I can't."

Ash would believe him if she hadn't seen his eyes when he killed the man. She saw the way that no regret or guilt flashed in them. Even now they hold no emotions at ending a man's life.

"I know you did what you think you had to do." Bellamy starts, ever so calmly, "But you are not yourself right now and I can't be out there with another loose cannon."

Ash rolls her eyes at the dig at John but otherwise offers no comment.

They continue to argue with one another while Ash looks around at the scenery, noting with an eyebrow furrow that every few feet multiple flies seem to crowd together around something.

Slowly, knowing no one is watching as their eyes are all on the fight brewing between Finn and Bellamy, she stands up and moves through the bright green bushes to the nearest spot with flies.

She feels like vomiting when she sees that it's a dead body.

She almost does right next to it when she realizes that there must be dozens with how many flies are surrounding the area.

somewhere | b.blake ✔️Where stories live. Discover now