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"We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here"

-Sign of the Times, Harry Styles


Some people say that before a snake goes to kill its prey, the whole Earth is silent, waiting. And the snake stays complete silent, tensing up slowly before killing its meal.

Ash would like to say that she is the snake in the situation, completely silent and tensed up as she stands in a tent with Clarke and Lexa next to her.

How badly she wishes to actually be a snake, only needing to be so silent and tense for food.

Not because she wishes that she could be fighting the two people next to her instead of with them.

One day she will, she promises herself silently.

For now, Clarke, Lexa, and Ash stand with other Grounder warriors and wait for the best fighters of Skaikru to show up so that they can come up with a finalized plan.

The air is thick in the tent, anticipation buzzing through everyone.

Or, hatred, in Ash's case.

Eventually, the tent flap opens and in comes a herd of Skaikru members.

Miller's dad, Monroe, guards, leaders...pretty much anyone willing to fight in what will be a bloody battle.

The two groups size each other up bluntly but little to no tension forms for the first time.

Once the assessment is over with, Lexa steps forward to the table that takes up half of the space in the tent and the chatter stops. "Welcome, Skaikru. Let's begin."

Everyone's faces close up as they all collectively nod.

Mr. Miller slowly walks forward to Clarke and Lexa and hands them a bottle with a small nod. "Package from Raven," he explains. "She said it would do the job."

"Thank you," Clarke replies with a smile.

"Your mother wanted to be here too."

Clarke's smile becomes more strained. "I know. But the wounded in Ton DC need her more."

Ash flinches at the mention of the village she hopes to never step foot in again.

With everyone waiting for their instructions, Lexa begins their plan, "Field commanders and warriors, today's the day we get our people back. The enemy thinks that they're safe behind their doors. But they're not. When they realize this, they will fight back. And they will fight back hard."

"We need to be ready," Clarke adds. "This is a rescue mission. We are not here to wipe them out."

Ash rolls her eyes at the hypocrisy of Clarke sparing lives after the missile.

"There are people inside this mountain that have, and still are, helping us. Children who have nothing to do with this war. We kill their soldiers. Their leadership if we have to. But we are there to rescue our people only. Is that clear?"

When no one objects, Clarke nods for Ash to begin explaining.

Rolling her shoulder and putting on a brave face, Ash steps forward to address everyone. "There are four teams on this operation. Two of them are at the dam and in the mine, getting into position right now." Ash points down at the 3-d model of the terrain before continuing. "The third, inside the Mountain is being unleashed right now as well. We are the fourth and final team. We are to keep the eyes of the Mountain Men off the other teams as much as possible, allowing our people to escape."

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