2x08 Part 2✔️

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"Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you"

-Hold On, Chord Overstreet


It takes about a ten-minute consistent run to get from the Ark's camp to the drop-ship.

In three times that, Finn and Clarke still don't come through the treeline like they're supposed to.

Raven, Bellamy, Ash and, surprisingly, John—courtesy of Raven who thought that they could use an extra hand—have spent their time the drop-ship they all once called arguing over their next course of action.

"We should go after them." Raven.

"No, because then someone would need to stay here and splitting up will just make it even worse." Bellamy.

"If they don't get here within the next twenty minutes, I'm going to bring them back from wherever they are and strangle them for making me this worried." Ash.

"Relax, Ashile, they're fine." John.

But when Finn and Clarke come barreling through the drop-ship flap about 17 minutes later, the latter in Finn's arms, it's very clear that they're not fine.

Ash doesn't allow herself to think about that. Instead, she focuses on clearing an area for the exhausted-looking Finn to place an out-cold Clarke.

"What happened?" Bellamy demands.

Ash gestures to a pile of blankets that looks clean enough, "Here, put her here."

"A Grounder hit her on the head," Finn explains as he lays her down.

The next few minutes are a flurry of activity. Bellamy tends to the wound, Raven, and John run around to get the supplies Bellamy asks for, and Finn paces the length of the drop-ship as he stares at Clarke the same way the Clarke stared at him when he was stabbed.

After watching him for five minutes straight, Ash grabs him by the arm and pulls him out of the drop-ship.

"Hey," he protests, but it dies down as she begins climbing up the side of the drop-ship. Noticing what she's doing, he sighs and glances at the flap of the drop-ship before following her up.

The view from the top of the drop-ship is almost as exactly as Ash remembers. Trees of green for miles, blue skies for days.

The only difference is the sword strapped to her back that will inevitably be used in the war looming over the horizon, and the fact that the boy sitting next to her is a murderer of the people they're fighting against.

She forces the thoughts out of her head and lets the gentle breeze calm her nerves. "Do you remember one of the first things I asked you, way back before everything happened?"

Finn's eyes furrow as he searches through the memories. He eyes her warily as he replies, "You asked me what my favorite flower was, right?"

"I know this is a weird question, but what's your favorite flower?"

Ash nods with a gentle smile. "You said that you weren't sure if you had one. And though I asked the question, I said that I didn't think I had one either."

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