When Two Became One (preface)

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"THE WORLD COMES TO LIFE, AND EVERYTHING'S BRIGHT," Elsie belted as we were driving home from school.

"FROM BEGINNING TO END, WHEN YOU HAVE A FRIEND," I sang back, laughing at how managed to remember every lyric from the old Demi Lovato song, 'gift of a friend.'


Everything happened so fast we didn't even get to say goodbye. The small car spun due to the water on the road and was T-boned by another car. Immediately smashing her side. The sound of the cars colliding rang through our ears and I let out a scream. A wave of fear consumed my body and I went into panic mode. The car eventually came to a halt and it was silent. I looked over at my best friend and she lay limp in her seat.

"Elsie," I said, shaking her. She didn't wake up. She didn't move. She lay there, the daisy from our friend-a-versery braided into her blonde hair. I grabbed her hand and tears streamed down my face.  This couldn't be happening, she had  to be okay. Zak, Elsie's brother, got out of the car and started talking to the owner of the other car. I looked down at Elsie, she looked so peaceful but the pain inside my chest was unbearable. The most obvious assumption going through my head was that she had died seeing as her half of the car was the side that got hit and she wasn't moving. I refused to think of that though and made myself believe she was alive, maybe just in a coma or something.

 I heard sirens and an ambulance pulled up. I knew Elsie and I were going to be separated and whatever happened I wanted to have something to remember her. I took her glasses off her face and the daisy in her hair. The medics ran over to the car and opened the door to let me out. I squeezed Elsie's hand and they made me get out of the car. Tears were streaming down my face and I wanted my friend. The medics said something unintelligible and then they brought a stretch over to her. A cop arrived and went to talk to the medics. Elsie was taken into the ambulance and then they drove off with my best friend.

"She's going to the ER and then they'll see what they can do," said the cop.

Zak nodded, I could tell he was blaming himself for what happened. I texted my mom and asked her to come pick me up. 

Elsie's family had called my mother later that day to report that Elsie died before she got to the hospital. My heart dropped, the weight of the circumstance crushing me. I stayed in my room for weeks after, refused most food and any human contact. Nightmares of what happened haunted me. Flashbacks grabbed me at the strangest moments sending me into panic attacks. I realized my life would never be the same without her. 

And so, that was the day two became one. 

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