I was Invited to a Party?

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I walked into cooking class and sat down on a stool at one of the stations. I loved to cook but this was my first year taking this class because I never had room in my schedule for it. The seats around the classroom filled until only one was left: the one next to me. A brunette with a nose ring dressed in a black turtle-neck sweater and mom jeans with paint splatters on them walked into the room. She smiled at me and then sat down next to me.

"Hi," she smiled as the bell went off.

"Hello," I responded with a small smile. 

"I'm Rebecca, but people call me Beck. What's your name?" she asked in a whisper so the teacher wouldn't yell at us.

"My name is Ivy," I responded, she nodded and then listened to the teacher. The teacher walked us through some notes on how to use all the equipment and told us that we would have a five question quiz next class. The bell finally rang and I started to pack up my stuff.

"Hey, Ivy, can I get your number? I would love to get to know you more," she asked, taking her phone out of her pocket.

"Yeah, sure!" I responded. I typed my number into her phone and then I walked out to my car. I threw my backpack into the passengers seat and pulled out of the parking lot. Driving home I blasted my 5SOS music and sang along to every song. When I arrived home I was greeted at the door by Copper and then walked up to my room to start on some pre-calc homework. Thankfully, since it was the beginning of the year, we were just doing algebra two review stuff before we started on new material.

 I finished after about twenty minutes and sat down on my bed. I pet Copper and looked around my room. My eyes landed on a yellow box. I had put all the pictures, bracelets, and pretty much every other memory I had with Elsie in it. I picked up the box and then sat back down on my bed. I flipped the lid off and then felt my heart ache. The first thing in the box was a picture of her and I at our first dance. I laughed lightly, we were so excited for that dance. We had spent an entire day looking for dresses and felt like we were the cats pajamas when we found the right ones. We had our moms do our makeup and we had the best time at the dance. I remember Elsie's crush asked her to dance and she was jumping up and down ad squealing when we got home that night. 

I found some silly photo booth pictures and some bracelets we had made each other. I sorted through some little random things and then I froze. In the box laid a daisy, but not a random daisy. The daisy from the day of the accident. A tear rolled down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I put everything back and then put the box away where I found it. I laid down and my head sunk into my pillow. Copper laid his head next to mine and let out a sigh. 

"Me too pal, me too," I whispered, scratching his soft head. I shut my eyes and just thought. I wished Elsie was still here. That I wasn't going through Junior year alone. I knew I wasn't making friends for a very specific reason. I was scared I would forget about Elsie. Ridiculous, I know, but it was a re-occurring fear. My phone buzzed, making me open my eyes. I opened up my phone and it was a text from an unknown number. 

It read: "Hey, Ivy! It's Beck."

"Hey, Beck! What's up?"  I texted back.

Beck and I texted back and forth for a while and it kinda made me feel like I was a normal person with friends. We agreed on a lot of things and had a very similar personality. I fell asleep talking to Beck and was awoken by Copper barking. I opened my eyes and he had torn up a pillow of mine.

"COPPER!" I groaned picking him up and setting him outside of my room. I picked up all the pillow stuffing and threw it out. I would mend the pillow later. I walked downstairs after being called for dinner and sat down at the table. Dad didn't eat anything that night and he hadn't eaten the previous night either. He had been feeling very under the weather and had been complaining about how sore he was. Mom had asked him if he was okay, but he had managed to make her believe he was fine. I went upstairs after dinner and went to bed early, I was exhausted.

The next morning I woke up late and changed quickly into a t-shirt and ripped jeans. I threw on a jacket and sprinted out to the car as I pulled on my vans. I sped off to school and made it right in time for pre-calculus. I got stares from the popular girls and then they continued to bug the brunette boy. The teacher taught us the first chapter and I was a little lost but I understood well enough. I received a text from Beck as the teacher handed out some classwork.

"Party Friday night. You in?"

"Um, sure! Thanks for asking! I still have to check with my parents though!" I responded.

"Awesome, see ya tomorrow in cooking class ;)" she answered, wrapping up the conversation. 

So let me get this straight.  I  was invited to a party?

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