1- bruises

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TW: abuse, depression. only for this chapter though dw lovelies

"Listen, you worthless piece of shit. Get out of my house. You can stay with your aunt Liz for all I care. Just get the fuck away from me before i beat you blind. Get it?"

The memories flooded the quiet 17 year olds head as he stared out of the bus window onto the sunny streets of Sydney. The sun was beginning to set, and Luke was 10 minutes away from his Aunt Liz's home.

His abusive stepfather left him battered and bruised with nothing but enough money for a bus ticket and a small suitcase containing his minimal belongings. He was to pretend that his aunt was his mother, and he would attend a new school with new people, in order to get away from his past.

His real mother died when Luke was just 7, when she was pushed down the stairs by her abusive husband. She died from her injuries, leaving Luke with a demon stepfather and no future.

He had wanted to die from that die on. Depression consumed his every waking moment, drowning him in sadness. He longed for this day, the day he would finally turn his wretched life around.

The bus screeched to a halt and Luke stumbled out, bleary eyes and weak. He tottered to the sidewalk and began the journey to his aunt's house. He was fumbling in his bag for a sweater when he was pushed into the ground and a large person fell on too of him.

"Oh my GOD, I am so sorry. Are you hurt? Okay, you're probably hurt, i just shoved you into the sidewalk. Goddamnit Michael!!"

Luke gazed up and found himself face to face with a tall, gangly, green haired goofball with a slice of pizza with the cheese precariously hanging off of it in strings clutched in his short fingers.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine. Don't worry... Michael. I'm Luke, by the way."

"Oh hey, Luke. Where you going, then? I mean, I don't usually smash into people like that so I wouldn't know but why do you have a suitcase? Wait, that's rude. That's NONE of my business. Shut up Michael."

Luke laughed at the way this bubbly kid Michael nattered to himself in some kind of one sided conversation.

"I'm visiting my... I'm coming back from vacation in Perth. Just got off the bus. I'm actually joining a new school, Victoria High School. D-do you know it?" Luke attempted to cover up his mistake. No one could know Liz wasn't his real mother. No one.

"Oh!!! That's my school! Wait. Do you hear that?"

Michael cocked his head to the side in fake concern.

Luke giggled awkwardly and shook his head.

"That's the sound of our fRIENDSHIP BEING BIRTHED MOTHERFUCKER i mean friend. Friend." Michael screeched in a singsongy tone, wrapping an arm around Luke and pulling him along the pavement. Luke's suitcase scuttled behind as its owner was tugged along by a walking highlighter along the sun kissed streets of his new life.

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