11 - anniversary pt 1

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"Mr Clifford, stop staring at Mr. Hemmings and answer the question."

Michael's eyes shifted from Luke's head to the teacher's inquisitive eyes, a small blush painting his cheeks as the surrounding students let laughter slit the silence in the room.

Luke turned around in his chair, shooting Michael a timid smile and wetting his lips with his tongue, causing the smaller boy to blush and divert his attention back to the scolding teacher.

Michael was practically bursting for tonight, as it was their anniversary of their month of being together. Both boys had special things planned, and Michael in particular was ecstatic. He had Luke all to himself and tonight he would show the blond how special he was to Michael.

So caught up in his daydream, the redhead missed the bell, hands clasped under the table with a goofy grin slapped on his face. Luke sat across the room, watching Michael as the students slowly dispersed and the teacher chuckled at the obviously lovestruck pair and she left the classroom smiling to herself. The taller boy waited for all of the other pupils to leave before crossing the empty classroom and snapping his fingers, shaking Michael from his (hopefully innocent) daydreams.

"Sorry for staring at you. I know you don't want anyone to know." Michael stated, staring at the sapphires embodied in his boyfriend's eyes.

Luke looked at Michael like pyromaniacs look at fire. He pulled the redhead from his chair, messily tossing his books into his bag and tugging Michael out of the room.

"We need to get to class, I've got English and you have Biology. I'll walk you to your room." Michael said with a smile in his voice.
Luke nodded and they began to make their way down the sparse corridors; the other students were already in class and the pair were already late.
They walked slowly, fingers intertwined and shoulders bumping.
Luke looked around nervously, before muttering fuck it and pulling Michael into a janitor's closet.

"Are you kidding me? Of all the generic makeout spots you choose a janitor's closet. Blue loses 7 science points." Michael tutted, lacing his fingers in Luke's messy quiff.

"Shut up and be gay with me for one second."

Luke slammed Michael against the wall, coaxing a moan from his partner as he toyed with the redhead's Calvin Klein's and sucking on Michael's lower lip. The blond peppered Luke's neck with kisses, rough and messily leaving purple marks down the length of his neck. Michael clasped something, somewhere on Luke's body, earning a gasp and more needy lovebites. It was pure lust as Luke had his way with Michael, hands in hair, both a slightly sweaty mess.

By now, you can guess, Michael was a little bit... worked up. He started to stutter his noises, gripping the blond hair tighter and breathing faster. As if on cue, Luke pulled away. Outraged, Michael grabbed Luke again, attempting and failing to reconnect their needy lips, but the taller boy laughed and pushed Michael off, straightening his t-shirt and walking out into the hallway.

Michael followed suit, breathing in the cool air of the hallway that didn't, upon realisation, bear the same smell of slight sex as did the janitor's closet.

Luke began to whistle, fixing his quiff and nonchalantly striding away from the boy askew, who grunted irritably and grabbed Luke's backpack.

"Have fun explaining to the teacher why you're late!" Luke giggled, kissing Michael chastely and glancing sneakily at the eye-catching depression in his boyfriend's jeans.

"Oh, and I'd fix that if I were you." he chuckled, meeting Michael's wide eyes and walking further down the corridor. "Come over around 6, okay?"

And then Michael was left in the hallway, fixing his hair and shirt and desperately wondering how you explain fresh hickeys and a 20 minute absence to a teacher, cursing Luke with words that betrayed the ear to ear grin plastered on his blushing face.

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