8 - relevations

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When Michael arrived, Luke was leaning agaisnt the tree with a forlorn look on his pretty face.

"Don't frown, babe. It makes me sad." Michael's spoke in a low voice, making Luke jump and smile nervously. Michael walked over and pressed a chaste kiss to Luke's downturned lips, before sitting down on the grass.

"Are you mad at me?" Luke said quietly.

Michael scoffed and scratched the back of his head. On one hand, he was pretty mad. Why didn't Luke just tell him in the first place? But on the other hand, he understood completely. God, if he had gone through something like what he thought Luke had gone through?

He honestly didn't know how Luke trusted him enough to tell him, so he shook his head, assuring Luke that he wasn't mad.

"But I do want to know what the fuck is going on. Luke, please tell me."

Luke sighed and shuffled over on the grass to lie beside Michael. He took a deep breath... and said it.

"It started when I was young. Really young. My dad was gone, I can't really remember the day he left. My mum was a mess. Her makeup was running down her face and she was shouting... god, it was horrible. But we survived. It was just me and her." Luke paused, and smiled sadly, looking at the ground. He tangled his fingers with Michael's before continuing. "Then He came. At first, I loved him. He came to my football games, he supported my band, he loved my mum. A lot. And it was okay. We... we were okay. Then they got married. My mum looked kick-ass, Mikey. She went all out. She loved weddings. She loved him. So they got married. She considered having another baby. I was happy. So... so fucking happy. And then, he changed."

"He came home from 'work' later. And later. His eyes were red. Crying, I thought. And then came the shouting. At night, it became a routine. He would come home, she would ask where he'd been, he would start. I didn't notice the bruises for a while. But Mikey, the day it happened gives me nightmares. I loved her so much. He was drunk. Really, really drunk. They filed it as a fucking ACCIDENT, Michael. He knew. I knew. It was no accident. He murdered her. And I watched it. But he blamed me. And he hit me. A lot. I hated him. God, if I had been stronger... I don't know. But a month ago, he snapped. He told me to get out. He told me to go stay with my aunt. He had plans, Mikey. I don't know what the fuck he is doing know, but I honestly don't care. I pretend Liz is my mum, and now I'm free from him. From that hellhole. I miss my mum, Mikey. I want her to come home."

On home, Luke began to sob. The sobs of a broken person. And all Michael could do was hold him. They sat in silence for a while, Luke's shoulders shaking with grief and sadness, and Michael rubbing his back and kissing his forehead.

"I haven't told anyone. Liz knows about some of it. I don't know how much. God, that's why I'm like this with you. I trust and love too quickly, and I get it all over with because I don't know when it will all change, or when they'll leave me. That's why I can say I love you, Michael, when I've only known you for a month."

Luke sat up.

"I know I can trust you, Michael. Because when you bumped into me on the street, you apologised. You cared. I haven't had that in God knows how long. And when you kiss me, I feel like you care. And you do, I hope. I don't even know where I'm going with this, but I .. I love you Michael. You know, now. But right now, I want to forget about that. Can you, um, can you kiss me? Please?"

Michael laughed humourlessly, and lay Luke down on the grass.
He put his hands on Luke's shoulders and hovered over him, and began to kiss his neck, softly, speaking in between kisses.
"Lukey, you are so fucking- brave. And - you are safe now- and you're free from him- and you have me."

Michael lay on top of Luke, staring into Luke's pale blue eyes and resting his forehead against Luke's.

"I love you, Luke. You're safe now, you're safe."

And Luke closed his eyes and said against Michael's lips,
"I'm safe."

a/n: IM CRYING he is safe and iM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON but next chapter is fluff and stuff so hopefully it will make up for um... future developments iM SO SORRY

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