7 - surprise bitch

130 12 3

(edited hA)

"Okay, wait, so Mikey, you have known this guy for how long?"

Calum was sat at the foot of Michael's bed with an XBOX controller in one hand and the m&ms bag in the other. He had a skeptical expression on his tan face; his nose crinkled in interest.

Calum didn't understand how Michael was basically dating a guy he had known for what, a month?

"Alright, Clifford, no, I get that you really like him, but God you guys barely know each other and you're already making out agaisnt trees? Like, dude, you literally know sh*t about this guy and you have your tongue down his throat like every second of the day." Calum finished his sentence, nodded in confirmation and shoved another handful of M&Ms in his mouth.

"Okay, no, listen. There isn't really a way to say this without it being cheesy, so, uh, yeah. Basically, it's like this. You know when you are sitting in the movie theatre, waiting to see a film, and then this kick-ass trailer comes up for a completely different film and you're like hey! This looks really fucking awesome. I wanna watch this film and find out what happens. Luke. Right there."

"God, you sound like a John Green book." Calum said, snickering.

"You just don't get it, you dickweed. I really like him. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but more once I knew how broken he was, I don't know, I just wanted to be the one to, fix him. Yeah."

Calum faked throwing up all over Michael and collapsed, evidently bloated, on Michael's lap.

"Yeah, yeah, Romeo. Thou art completely and utterly whipped. Can we play FIFA now? I'm tired of all these euphemisms for 'Luke's dick is the bomb'". 

Michael covered his eyes in embarassment and growled, but obiently pushed Calum off his lap and turned on the XBOX.

"I'm ready to kick your ass, Hood."

"I think you're meant to kick the BALL, Mikey."


After Calum left, Michael had pulled himself over to his desk and crawled onto Facebook, after deciding to check if any more of his highschool friends were pregnant.

He was sitting on his timeline, when suddenly Luke's profile showed up. Someone had replied to one of Luke's photos... didn't he say that he didn't have Facebook?

Michael leaned forward in his chair and rested his head on his propped up arm, and began to look through Luke's profile.


Didn't Luke say he was always from here? Didn't he go to visit his aunt in Perth or something? Something wasn't right here. Michael looked further.

Luke's mother's memorial page.
Luke's stepfather.
Luke's aunt, Liz.

So he hadn't been on holiday to Perth.

And his mother wasn't Liz. His mother had died a few years ago.

Luke played guitar.

Luke used to have flat hair.

Why was Michael finding this out from a Facebook page?
He closed his laptop and texted Luke.

to: that really tall kid wtf
"we still on for that 'telling me everything'... thing? later?!2!22!"

He switched off his phone as soon as it buzzed with Luke's reply. Michael hated it when that happened.

from: that really tall kid wtf
"we ARE but please be there, i have a lot of explaining to do :/"

Michael huffed in frustration. That evening couldn't come sooner.



luke is in trouble: yes/no?

aLLLLL SHALL BE REVEALED ily so much have a lovely day thank you for being patient and sorry for the shitty chapter

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