Just one step

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Monika kept her eyebrow raised as she held onto the door and tightening her grip on it as she looked at the salmon haired girl. Why was she here? Why would she come see the person who used to bully her? Did she really care if she was okay?

Damn it Monika! Stop rambling so much..!

"Go on..."

"...I... A teacher wanted me to check up on you..! Yeah, uh they wanted to make sure that you didn't...uh...try leaving..?" Sayori looked up and made eye contact with her. She looked into those same Emerald eyes that she would lose herself in. Those same eyes she somehow found comfort in. She looked away as a light blush formed on her face. Monika lightly raised an eyebrow but didn't mind, "Do...do you want to come in?" She left the door open as she sat down in the Nurse's swivel chair. Sayori took a step inside and looked around. She quickly stopped herself...this infirmary...It reminded her alot of the middle school's infirmary in which she would spend alot of her time because of-

Sayori was quickly brought back to reality as she felt someone flick her forehead. She slightly jumped, "I-I'm sorry..!"

Monika stifled a laugh as she sat in the chair, "You're still easily distracted just like when we were kids..." she had a soft smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkles tiny bit. It wasn't often that Sayori saw that in the brunette. Monika looked down at the tile floor as she felt her face heat up a bit. "Hey uh...Sayori? Why did you really come?"

"What's the big idea you weirdo?!" Kira sat down in her office chair with an annoyed expression on her face. Michael completely ignored it and sat down on her desk. "Listen, you remember in middle school when Monika and the rest of us would bother that one girl?"

Kira raised an eyebrow as she sighed, "What about it?"

Micheal rolled his eyes as he walked towards her and held onto the sides of the chair she was sitting in, "Well maybe you should've payed more attention to the goddamn enrollment papers and you would know!" Kira tightened her fingers into a fist as she sat down in her seat but quickly composed herself, "Let me get this straight, this is my fault? Something that has no utter significance to me is a problem of mine?" She pushed him away from her and laughed, "Oh Michael listen closely~" Within a second Kira had already grabbed onto his shirts' collar and pulled him closer to her.

"You're nothing without Monika by your side."

  With that Kira pushed him into the chair and Walked out of the room. She muttered something under her breath as she looked down at her phone before-


"Oh gosh! I-I'm so sorry!"


The slightly shorter bit her lip as she looked up from the floor, "Ah...hey Kira...I hadn't seen you there..! Heh..."

The taller girl glanced around in the corner of her to see if there was anyone there-a crowd. She only kneeled down in front of the assistant debate member and lifted her chin. "Be more careful alright Hana~?" She smiled and helped her up before slightly bumping into her carelessly.


Hana only bit her lip as she picked up the two cups that were on the floor and threw them away. She felt her cheeks slightly burn up as she recalled her lifting her chin. She shook the thought out of her head and walked over to the infirmary. Meanwhile, Kira made it to the bathroom - a scowl replaced the smile on her face as she got in one of the stalls and changed to something simple.  She muttered under breath as her blood began to boil over that one moment.

"I swear I'll get that good for nothing brat later...!"


The pinkette pulled out their drinks from the vending machine and sat back down at their table. She slid one of the drinks to Yuri and opened her own.

"Alright so let me get this straight, third year...you! Are-I mean used to be the student council President, correct?"

The taller girl looked down at her drink and nodded, "Correct. I guess you've been doing your homework~"

"PFF-" She nearly choked on her drink and set it down as her cheeks grew a tinted red, "And so what if I have? Not like I don't already know half of the people attending this school...nothing but annoying spoiled rich kids..." Natsuki only grumbled as she took a sip of her drink and looked down at the table. For a moment, she felt a hand gently playing with a strand of her hair. That was right before hearing her once again soothing voice, "Natsuki...you do know not every student here is like that, right?" The pinkette only looked down at her drink before feeling Yuri lift her chin, "Here let me make it simpler...do you think I'm like that?" Natsuki's eyes went wide as she spoke without thinking, "Of course not!" She said it loud enough for it to be heard across the entire cafeteria. "Ah..! sorry..." there was soft laughter for a moment-Natsuki looked up and noticed Yuri laughing. Maybe it was just her...but at that moment...she felt like it was just them.

Sayori only flinched again, "I-I already told you, right? I'm here to take care of you...and make sure that you...uh..."

"Don't escape..?" Monika finished with a small smile on her face not convinced in the least.

"Yeah! That too!"

The brunette tapped her chin pretending to think. She occasionally glanced back at Sayori before shrugging, "Well I guess you could stay..my knight in shining armor~" she teased and noticed the growing blush on her face. "Well now that you're here...there's actually something I'd like to mention to you if you don't mind..." Monika rubbed the back of her neck. For the first time she looked...nervous.

"About 6th grade..."
End of Chapter 13: Just one step

Ah...Cliffhangers suck don't they? Also, I'm somewhat back! The reason I didn't update immediately when summer break started is because I have a summer camp I attend...kill me now-BUT! worry not! Because I have a whole week break! Which means I have an update after disappearing and staying in a hole for almost two months...so yeh! Have a good day and see you all in the next one.


Why Won't You Hate Me? {MonikaxSayori-ddlc}Where stories live. Discover now