Ace x of x Bullshit

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Chapter Three- Ace x of x Bullshit

(Y/N's P. O. V)

As I sit on my flying carpet I look at all the applicants wanting to become Hunters. Letting out a sigh I hear Leorio yell, "Hey lady, you on the flying rug, that's cheating. This is an endurance test!"

"Oh? Who said that? 'Cause I didn't hear Satozt say that at all."  I say looking at the Oreo.

"No, it isn't." Gon pipes in earning a huh from Oreo. "The examiner only told us to follow him."

"Whose side are you on, eh?" 

Then zoom, Killua appears. Ridding next to Gon he asks, "Hey, how old are you?" And blah blah the two adorable kids finally meet one another. Is it bad that even though I'm an adult I still ship two twelve years old's? Yeah, it probably is don't answer that. Deciding not to be lazy I jump off my flying carpet. Causing the carpet to disappear. Looking around for a decent person to talk to, who isn't a local pedophile or assassin. I see the next best thing, a bald shinobi named Hanzo. Easily catching up to him I tap his shoulder. The bald shinobi jumps up in surprise. "Are you really a shinobi?" 

"Haha of course I am." Hanzo sweat-drops. "Are you really a ninja?" He asks with some sass.

"Did you hear me and #44 converse?" 

"I'm pretty sure all of the applicants heard you and Hisoka converse. You made quite the scene after all." Hanzo chuckles in amusement.

"Ooh Yeah. And nope I'm not a ninja, unfortunately. I'm-" Faceplants over stairs. "Holy shit! We've gotten far." I look around in amazement. Noticing that Hanzo had left me behind I pout. Continuing on my lonesome I overhear Gon and Killua. 

"Gon, wanna race to see who finishes first?" 

"Sure. The loser has to buy dinner."

Que they both say "ready" and zoom past other applicants. Including myself....oh hell no. Gon you are an innocent bubble of sunshine, Killua you might be a badass, but nope not today. I highly doubt that if I'm the first person to arrive it'll cause a butterfly effect so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Concentrating my energy into my legs I speed up, right behind the two (lovebirds) teens. Of course, neither notice my presence zoom past them. As casual as I can I lean against the outside wall. 

Hearing people sigh out in relief I turn my head. Slowly but surely the applicants were gaining distance. The first one to exit the dark tunnel was of course Satozt, the Examiner. Noticing me his eyes widen in confusion. Seconds later the Yin and Yang duo jump out of the underground tunnel yelling, "GOAL!" This also seems to peak Satozt interest. Closing my eyes I listen to Killua and Gon's conversation. 

"Hey, I win!" Gon happily exclaims. Of course, the tsundere assassin denies saying that he was faster. Blah blah blah they finally ask Satozt who had reached their 'goal' first. 

"I believe that you crossed the finish line simultaneously." 

"Oh. Then I'll buy you dinner."  Killua looks at Gon with a huh. " Then you buy me dinner." Gon continues to confuse the white-haired boy. 

Now being slightly interested I zone back in. "Hey, Mr. Satozt. Is this where the Second Phase of the exam takes place?" The innocent Gon asks.

Of course, Satozt disappoints Gon when he says, "No, we still have quite a way to go."  

Most of the applicants have arrived out of the underground tunnel. Still standing against the wall I hear, narwhales making a commotion, or not. It was really just a drained Leorio. After he came 'Pika looking unaffected. Becoming bored I begin to whistle a small tune of, in all honesty, I don't know. Noticing the fog begins to fade I take out a kunai from my wrist holder (from chapter one pic). 

"The Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindlers Swamp. We must cross these wetlands to reach Phase Two of the exam. This place is home to many bizarre animals. Many of them being cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans and prey upon them." Satozt lectures looking at each applicant. " Be very careful." He continues with a serious voice. " If you let them fool're dead."

Que the door closes, in a nice dramatic way, making the air become filled with tension. Once again Satozt continues his long-ass speech before being, thankfully, interrupted by the imposter. " Don't let them fool you!" This catches the applicant's attention. 

An annoyed Oreo tchs, "I just said they can't." 

Everyone looks at the imposter. Walking past the distracted applicants I make my way to Satozt. "Its sad they can't tell an imposter from the real deal. Don't you thank so as well Mr. Satozt?" I ask now standing next to the mouthless Examiner.

With an arched brow, "Indeed it is #13." 

"Oi! Two-faced imposter, you're pretty shitty." Catching everyone's attention I continue. " Tsk tsk, to thank a simple illusion could fool you guys. Look at the damn monkey ya idiots. It's still breathing. oh and Satozt still doesn't have a mouth, how he speaks the world may never know." With a shrug, I watch as chaos continues.

Looking at Hisoka, accidentally making eye contact, I watch as he throws six Nen infused cards. Throwing my kunai I shadow his cards aiming at the imposter. Three cards hit the imposter a different set Satozt catches. If your wondering about my kunai, it's implanted into the imposter's skull~

'Show off.'

Moi? Never!

Shuffling of cards could be heard as silence befell the applicants. Hisoka's creepy yet somehow sexy voice began, "I see, I see...That settles it...You're the real one." The applicants look at Satozt in surprise. "Examiners are Hunters selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay. Any Hunter, bearing the title we seek, would have been able to block that attack."

"That was so badass!" I cheer out loud in amazement. "Haha, he really is the Ace of Bullshit." I plop down on the ground in laughter, for no reason.

Hisoka looks at me, "Ace of Bullshit?"

I give him a peace sign. "Since you're full of Bullshit~"

Satozt looks at Hisoka in annoyance. "I shall take that as a compliment.  However, should you attack me again, for any reason, I will report to you for turning on an examiner. And you will be immediately disqualified. Are we clear?"


Getting up I yell, "To Narnia- or in this case Swindlers Swamp." I run into the fog not wanting to listen to Satozt anymore.

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