Making x Some x Promises

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Chapter twelve- Making x Some x Promises

( Y/N's P. O. V )

"Then we will check the tag of everyone here!" And so she did. When she called out my tag she looked confused. " You drew your own tag number? Okay, all six points!"

As she was going over the rest I caught Killua's eye. He was looking me up and down, "What?" I ask feeling a bit weird that a twelve-year-old was basically checking me out.

"I don't feel you what so ever. How do you conceal your presence like that?" The little assassin asked.

"Time, it takes time. I've had plenty of time and practice. I bet you'll be able to do it one day."

"Will you teach me?" Now that was surprising.

"Maybe, if you can find me after you've become a Hunter." Yeah, imma just tell him what I told Hisoka.

"You're on!" We shake on it.


( Third P. O. V )

A hearty laugh rang through the room, " Seven of the ten are rookies?" The old man asked in amused disbelieve. "Marvelous, marvelous."

Another man, the size of a titan, was shocked. "Has this ever happened before?" He asked while eating his food.

"Hmm," Netero had a thoughtful look, " there's a trend where we'll go many years without a single rookie qualifying. Then suddenly, we'll have a whole bunch of promising newbies." Almost everyone in the room looked dumbfounded. "This is the fourth time I've seen it happen."

Satotz cuts in, "By the way, what are we doing for the Field Phase?"

Buhara eagerly chime in, "Oh, right! You haven't told us yet."

Netero nodes his head, "Yes about that..." he pauses and looks up, " I intended to have them participate in a rather peculiar fight." He nonchalantly says.

Satotz puts down his fork, "Hmm? A rather peculiar fight?"

"First, I want to talk to each of the nine remaining applicants."

"Wait, isn't there ten of them?"

"Yes, but #13 has already proven to be more than just a rookie. I have made a deal with her, she is already a Hunter."

Everyone looks completely lost and yell a "what"

"Settle down, we spared. I made a deal that if she could take the ball from me and hold it for 30 seconds then I would make her a Hunter. She agreed and won in only a minute. She had the ball for the rest of the match. I could hardly detect where she would go and I couldn't feel her presence sometimes. She is quite skilled, she doesn't use Nen, but she does use something. She has power but I'm not sure what that power is."

"Should we be wary of her?"

"Maybe, maybe not time will tell."


( Y/N's P. O. V )

"Wow, did Netero the Pedero really make you aroused?" I ask noticing the bloodlust humming around Hisoka once he returned.

"The power that surrounds that man, is lovely. Almost as enticing as yours when I felt it. Why do you hide it?"

"'Cause I can. It's my power~"

"Heavens Arena~"

"Huh?" Oh Anime Lord, is this going where I think it is?

"Once this is over and I'm a Hunter meet me at Heavens Arena in the Republic of Padokea. You said you'd fight me after I was a Hunter. So meet me there." He moves closer. " If you don't I'll just come looking for you~" His warm breath sends shivers down my spine.

"Oh? Is that a threat?" I look up into his amber eyes, challenging.

He grins, "No, it's a promise." He lets out a low chuckle and sits back against the wall.


Netero is currently explaining the way the fights are going to work when suddenly Kurapika rudely interrupts, "Wait why isn't #13 on the chart. She should be fighting too."

With an annoyed look, he explained, "Number thirteen"

"My name's Y/N!"

He continues, "Y/N here is already a Hunter. So there is no need for her to fight any of you. It would be pointless." Then he continues on.

Purple bloodlust wraps itself around me. I cross my arms under my chest and look at him, well them. Hisoka smirks and licks his lips, Illumi seems slightly interested and kept eye contact. " What?" But I got no reply. They look away and watch the fight between Hanzo and Gon. As the fight continued so did the pressure of the bloodlust around me, why can I feel and see it?! Was he doing this on purpose? Using my spiritual pressure I fought back. I wrapped myself in a "spiritual cocoon."

Focusing on Gon, I decide to put a veil of healing around him to lessen the pain he was bound to be feeling at this point. His eyes seemed to glow in realization. He looks up and silently thanks me with a smile, I smile back. Netero noticing the odd behavior looks at Gon then me, coming to the conclusion that I had done something. I wink and continue to watch. Gon is stubborn as ever and Hanzo isn't having it.

Finally, the battle ends with Gon victorious but badly injured well not as bad as he would have been. I watch as the examiners pick him up. I wish the remaining applicants luck and ask to help Gon. They seem hesitant but say okay when Netero says it's fine. I hover my hands over Gon's sleeping body, slightly saying incantations in my head I heal what I can. His arm was still broken since I didn't want butterfly effects, but he wouldn't feel the pain of it. I place a glass of water on the table next to his bed and go back to the fighting room.

"Killua!" I was too late. Killua had already killed the old martial artist and opens the door leaving. Leorio and Kurapika are yelling at him.

I look at Illumi and glare, " You need to let him go, he needs to grow up the way he wants." Illumi glares at me his bloodlust spiking. His hand held up and ready to strike me with his invisible needle. I focus and easily catch it. "Not everyone will do as you command. Change is bound to happen. Killua is a growing young man."

"He's a Zoldyck, an assassin, he needs to act like one."

"He's more than just an assassin he's human. Killua obviously wants to live, live his own life!" Getting into his personal bubble I poke his chest," Rules are meant to be broken over time. You also need to grow up. I know you don't understand emotions that well, so maybe you also need to leave the mansion and find who you truly are not who your parents chose who you're supposed to be!"

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