Chapter one: Apologizing in the mountains

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Eclipse slowly opened his eyes. He lived in the Takuni clan in Southeast Japan's forests. In a basket next to his sleeping bag there was four small creatures. He beginned to make himself clear. He was teached to be a ninja by his father, Black Death, and his uncle, Black Doom, who also is the leader of the clan. 

"Eclipse. You're late", said Black Doom. "Sorry sensai. Blurk breathed me in the head so i haved problems with sleeping" answered Eclipse. "Well, let's begin" said Black Death. He didn't like moments like this. He thinked that his older brother was very harsh with the boy. "Take a Katana" said Black Doom. Eclipse did as his uncle said. 

The Dark Arms slowly beginned to wake up. They crawled downstair to the training room to see how their owner would his training today. 

Eclipse picked up a katana as he should use to training. "Okay, I'm ready." "Good," said Black Doom, "so can we begin."


The training was for hours ago over. Eclipse was went to sleep. However Black Doom and Black Death was still awake, and the latter wasn't happy over how his brother treated his son. 

"You're going to far Black Doom," said Death angrily, "you are all to harsh to him!".  "It's the only way he can survive in this world. If he one day shall be leader of this clan he need to be strong." "Maybe, but if you keep treat my son like he doesn't deserve to be the leader of this clan, he gonna damn start to believe it, much like another succesor you once haved!". "SHUT UP!" "You're only driving him away! If you keep doing that will you just ending up without a succesor! And then will this clan truely going to destruction!".  

With that went Death angrily out of the room. Black Doom sat down at a chair. Maybe was he right. Suddenly he thought back at his own son. He treated him in same way as he treated Eclipse. One day had his son enough of his father's way and leaved him. It wasn't before now he saw the flaws in his methods. The flaws that was the reason to he lost his only child. He putted his hands on his face and begined to sobbing.


Black Doom had thinked about the things. He owed Eclipse a big apology. So he wanted to take Eclipse up on the top of the mountains.

The duo has finally reached the top. Now could Doom say what he want. "Eclipse, can you sit down a minute? I want to tell you something important." Eclipse sat down next to his uncle. "I...have thinked about how i have treated you the last years. And... i...i want you to know that i'm sorry. It's just because in all this years i have thinked about my own son who leaved me. I did never blame myself before now. Now i know why he did it. My ways was to hard against him and he got finally enough of me. I can only thank myself for that. I don't want the same thing that happened for all those years ago happening again. That's why i took you here up. I want to say that i'm truely sorry for what i have done in all those years. Can you ever forgive this old moron?". To his surprise, after his nephew had stared at him in some time he hugged his uncle. After all this years Eclipse would actually forgive his uncle for what he did. 


Many miles away, a girl rested in a cave. Her clan was destroyed for some weeks ago and she had lost her best friend. She looked at a scar on her left hand palm and begined to tear up. The memories of her past was all to painfull to think about.


A brutal looking lone darkling sat under the trees and eated a rabbit he just had captured. He got a large scar over the muzzle. He growled while looking at the darkness.

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