Chapter two: The human invasion

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A darkling knocked on the door to the leader's hut. Black Doom opened to see what was going on. "General Glowclaw, what is happening?". "Master Black Doom, sir, our scouts has spotted some human samurais coming this way!". "Call the ninja squad. The humans must not destroy the village." "Sir, yes Sir!".

Black Doom had told the villager's evacuate until the danger was over. Eclipse took his dark arms up in his arms and followed the others. "Don't worry little ones. The general and his squad are strong. They will take the human samurai down, i'm sure on that" comforted Eclipse them. He hoped it was true. The squad was strong, but there was many more samurais than there was in the ninja squad. The darklings clashed swords with the samurais. Some of the samurais putted cruely fire in the huts. Those damned cowards. Eclipse feeled an arm grap in him and saw it belonged to Black Death. "Follow me" he said. He took Eclipse and the dark arms down to a boat. "Now, listen to me, and listen carefully!" he said while looking into his son's eyes. He gaved him a map in his clawed hands. "You need to follow this map. That will lead you to security. You need to wait on us there." Eclipse's eyes begined to be waterfilled. "I don't want to leave you. I can help you." Death pulled the young darkling into a hug while caress his quills. "I know you are afraid. But you need to be brave now. If we aren't coming, then shall you make a new clan. The Takuni clan's fate is in your hands. Now, go. Take care of yourself." Eclipse and the dark arms sat down in the boat and rowed away.


Eclipse waked up in the boat. The dark arms laid on his stomach. He looked up and saw that they was on land. He went up on the land and looked around. "Dark arms, wake up. We are on land." The dark arms jumped of the boat. Eclipse's attention got caught by a weird noise from a bush. Suddenly jumped a figure out of the bush and attacked Eclipse. It was an older darkling with darker skin and had purple eyes and quills with really deep red stripes. His muzzle was covered by a scar. "Who are you? Why are you here?" snarled the attacking darkling. "Please, calm down," said Eclipse, "i am Eclipse the darkling, and the little ones are my dark arms: Rhygenta, Cyzer, Cregal and Blurk. We cames from the Takuni clan." The other darkling calmed down abit. "I am Bloodberry from the Neroko clan. Those damned human samurais attacked my village" he growled angrily. "My village was also attacked by human samurais" said Eclipse. "Really? Well, in that case can you stay with me. I have been here in nine days now. Follow me, i live here closely" said Bloodberry. Maybe was this darkling not so bad after all.


A little group of darklings wandered in the forest. There was four darklings in all. The youngest falled on the ground in exhaustion. One of the other darklings saw this and runned over to him and helped him up. "Don't worry Dragon. I'm sure on we will soon get some rest" he said to the younger one. They continued the travel. Suddenly saw they a light. "Look, maybe are there someone who can help us" said one of them.

Eclipse, Bloodberry and the dark arms heared voices out for the cave. "Stay here," said Bloodberry, "i'm going to check on what's is going on out there." 

The group saw a figure caming out of the cave. "Who are you?" yelled Bloodberry. "We are coming with peace. We are just seeking after a place to rest" said one of the darklings. "Fine, then came in" said Bloodberry.

"We are gratefull for letting us coming in" said one of the darklings. "This is Dragon, Yellowrose, Thornhorn and i am Greenwood." "Okay, and this is Eclipse, his dark arms: Rhygenta, Cyzer, Cregal and Blurk, and i am Bloodberry. Let me guess, your clan was attacked by human samurais? Well, welcome to the club." 


Next morning was the darklings out and bathing. Suddenly saw Eclipse some blood at one of the bushes. "Hey! Come over here!" he yelled to the others. He showed them the blood on the bush. Eclipse told the dark arms to stay behind them. They looked into the Bush and saw another darkling as Eclipse quickly recognized. "Glowclaw?" he said. "You know this darkling Eclipse?" asked Yellowrose. "He's the commander of our clan's ninja squad" answered Eclipse. "We need to get him up to the cave and find something to health his wounds before there goes infektion in them" said Greenwood. Eclipse looked at the wounded commander. How was he ended up like this?


A darkling was running down at the way to his clan. It was an old abandoned mine that the humans for many years ago forgot about. He runned down of the halls to his leader's cave. "Sir, our ninja squad captured the escaping prisoner, but on the hunt they saw another darkling" he said. A figure in the corner of the cave sat calmly on a chair. "Tell them to seek after the other one and bring it to me. I want to know where it came from. Maybe could it be a help to our seeking after the sword, as we have in years seeked after" said the figure with a low and raspy voice.

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