Hotter Than My ButtHole After Eating TacoBell

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Aaron went to go catch up with Dylan, Peter, and Jason since they we are all like siblings and I hung out in the living room watching High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel, don't judge my childish ways I love High School Musical, always have and always will.

I kept looking at my phone waiting for it to turn 4:00, why? Because that's when I can brace myself for Nicole and Anne to burst through my front door and interrogate me about what happened earlier.

Just when I was about to check my phone again Troy started singing "Bet on It" I of course started singing along, before you knew it, I was dancing around my living room and using my remote as a microphone.

Just as the song ended I heard giggles, I snapped my head up to see Nicole and Anne recording my performance and they were laughing uncontrollably. I just rolled my eyes and flipped the camera off, which made them laugh harder, why? I have no idea.

I focussed my attention back to the tv, I didn't want to miss anymore of Zac Efron's hotness. Just as I was thinking that Anne plopped on the couch next to me.

"Was there ever a point in Zac Efron's life where he wasn't hot?"

I looked over at Anne as she was drooling at the tv, I giggled.

"Why is that funny?" Anne was staring at me concerned.

"Well typically you don't call a baby hot"

"What are you talking about Marie?"

"You asked if there was ever a point in Zac Efron's life when he wasn't hot and he was a baby once so I'm saying that people don't call babies hot, it's usually cute or adorable-"

Then Nicole stepped into the living room with pizza in her hands and finished my sentence for me.

"So Anne you meant to ask if there was ever a point in Zac Efron's life where he wasn't cute"

Anne just rolled her eyes.

"You smartasses, I understand that but just look at Zac Efron, would you use the term cute? Or hotter than my butthole after eating TacoBell?"

In unison Nicole and I answered

"Hotter than my butthole after eating TacoBell"

Anne smiled with victory and went to the kitchen to steal some of my food like usual.

Five minutes later Anne came back with a sandwich in one hand and an Arizona Tea in the other.

"Okay, I know you didn't want us to bring this up but what did the note say?"

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