Chapter One

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Tradegy Strikes Twice
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Blossom P.O.V




That was who I was. Nobody had ever questioned my plans, because in the end, we were always successful.

I have never lost a battle, so I never know loss.

I never knew anything except praise and awards.

At least that's what people thought, but I know judgement and pain.

Whether physical, mental, or emotional.

I knew suffering, I knew hate, I knew the hurt.

I knew the way it felt to blamed for deaths and destruction.

I knew what it was like to be a Villian.

A hero becoming a zero.

September 18, Monday, was my ultimate downfall.
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It was a normal day, I put on my pink dress and black shoes. My hair was brushed into a ponytail, with my signature pink bow.

I brushed my teeth, woke my sisters up, and went to make breakfast.

"Good morning Professor. " I greet with a smile.

"Have your sisters woken up?" He ask with a smile. I nod.

"Yes, they should be." I respond while watching the stove.

"Blossom, the mayor wants to speak with you." Professor says with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"I'll let the girls know toni-"

"Just you." He cuts me off.

"Oh, has something happened?" I ask, curiosity laced in my tone.

"I'm not sure, but Blossom, please be on guard." I nod reassuring him I'll be okay.

"I"ll see him after breakfast. " He nods and walks away.

About twenty minutes passed and now we are all at the table, eating and chatting quietly.

"Blossom, tell Buttercup, to stop making fun of me!" My second little sister exclaims. I look at the both of them.

"Snitch, now you need stiches." BC, my sister, the first youngest, taunts her.

"Girls enough, finish eating and off to school." I say with no room for arguement.

"But Blossom, what about you?" Bubbles ask, tilting her head slightly.

"I have a meeting with the mayor, so I'll be late." I explain while taking a bite of my egg.

"Why aren't we going?" BC asks, the conversation now perking her interest.

"The mayor wants to speak with me."

"We are a team. Whatever he says to you, he can say to us." BC frowns, her temper rising.

"Calm down BC, maybe it's about her smartness." Bubbles tries to reason with Buttercup.

"I don't fucking care, we are a team. Whether it's a small thing, we should all be there!" BC stands and slams her right hand on the table.

"LANGUAGE!" I shout, standing up, feeling angry as well.

"Girls, calm down. You guys are a team, but don't forget you're individuals." Professor tries to calm us down, but BC isn't having that.

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