Chapter Four

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The Remembrance Of A Sister
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"Blossom..." I whisper.

"Yeah Buttercup?" She gets up and looks at me. Her hair a mess, her eyes filled with exhaustion, and her smile droopy.

"I can't sleep." I frown and look down. My bangs covering my eyes, and the shame in my eyes.

"Can I sleep in your bed for tonight?" I ask, with my head down.

"Of course, come here." She scoots over and pats the empty side of her bed.

"Blossom, can you not tell anyone of this? Afterall, I'm supposed to be the toughest person." I ask, while getting into her bed, and making myself comfortable.

She smiles and nods. I sigh with relieve.

"If you ever need anything, I'll be here for you. No matter what the situation is, if you have a bad dream or something, you can always come to me, and it stays between us." I nod, lay down, and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Blossom."

"Goodnight BC."
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While she was being a hero to the world, she was a hero to me and Bubbles.

While she was suffering, she made sure we weren't.

If only I had known the pain she was hiding.

She was healthy and free, until they tied her down.

I was the toughest fighter, it should have been me.

Not her.

We failed her.

We should have been more stronger.

I should have been there.

I should have been selfless, but I wasn't.

I was a selfish brat, but Blossom was the opposite.

She was selfless.

She was kind.

She was a hero.

I shouldn't have called her a spotlight hog, after all, she never wanted it.

She tried quiting, but they wouldn't let her.

She was used and abused.

She was broken again and again.

She became her own nightmare because of them.

My sister, Blossom, was a killing machine at the age of 7.

That day a year ago, Professor revealed a dark deep secret.

How the Mayor of Townsville abused and used my sister.

We were a team, but she took the hit for me and Bubbles.

Now, she's gone.

The once flourishing rose, is wilting, her last petal soon to fall, if we don't save her soon.

But we don't even know where she is.
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3 years ago.

"Blossom?" She looks at me with her sad pink eyes.

"Yes BC?" I frown, her bright cheerful self gone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask slowly, concern laced in my tone.

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