Chapter Three

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A Year Later
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"Bubbles, Buttercup, Bliss, hurry up!" Professor screams from somewhere in the house.

"Man, can't we just stay home?" Buttercup asks.

I giggle and shake my head.

"Sorry, but we have to go too. After all we are the heroes of the city." BC looks at me and frowns.

"I don't give a damn-." She's gets cut off.

"Buttercup, finish getting ready. Bubbles, can you get my purse? And guys we are going, because as the protecters of this town, we have to make sure the people are safe." Bliss says. Her purple dress on, her black shoes on, and her blue hair down.

"Okay, I will." I reply with a smile. Buttercup looks at Bliss.

"I don't take orders from you."

"BC calm down." I say quietly.

"It's fine Bubbles, let me handle this." Bliss smiles at me and looks at BC.

"Buttercup, who is leader? Me. I give orders, you follow through. Understand? Cause if you don't, we can battle this out, and we already know who the winner is." Bliss barks out while BC looks down at the floor.

"Am I understood?" Bliss asks frowing at BC.

"Crystal." BC responds.

"Bubbles go downstairs, tell Professor we will be down there in two minutes." I nod, walk out of the room, and head downstairs to the living room.

"Bubbles, you look pretty, now where are your sisters?" Professor asks with a smile. His brown eyes filled with exhaustion, he slouches a bit, and his lab coat kind of wrinkled.

"Bliss is talking with BC." I say and force a smile. He hasn't been the same since that day.

"Oh I see, well, um...sorry I forgot what I was gonna say. Haha." He forces a laugh.

"Professor-" I'm cut off.

"We are ready!" Exclaims Bliss with a cheerful smile and excitement in her voice.

I look from the Professor and to the girls who are walking down the stairs.

Buttercup is wearing her green dress, her short hair brushed, and her black shoes.

"Alright girls...let's go." Professor says and is about to turn but is stopped.

"Professor, is everything okay?" I question stepping a bit closer to him.

"Yes, my dear." He starts to walk again towards the door. I look back at BC and Bliss. They shrug their sholders, confusion in their face.

'Maybe he isn't feeling well?' I think.

. . . . . .

At the party

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The room is grand, the lights bright, and people dressed fancy.

Women wearing gowns, men wearing tuxedos, and children dressed nicely.

"Bubbles?" I turn and look at the mayor.

"Mayor, it's wonderful to see you. How have you been?" I ask, smiling at him. His black hair has streaks of gray, and his mustache is gone, his clothes perfectly ironed.

"Pleasure is all mine, I'm doing great. How are you doing?" A glass cup filled with wine is passed to him, he takes it with a smile.

"I'm doing just fine." I reply, looking into his brown eyes.

"How's your sisters?" He asks, taking a sip of his wine.

"Buttercup is alright." I quickly respond, hoping he won't bring up Bliss and Blossom.

"What about Bliss? I hear the leader status is being handed to her. She'll be a better lead than that...traitor." He chuckles and I frown.

"Yes, Bliss will be the new leader of the PowerPuff Girls. But, we have yet to establish it to the public." I timidly reply, forcing a small smile.

"Well I should go congratulate her, talk with you a bit later Bubbles." He excuses himself and walks off to find Bliss.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 years ago

"Bubbles, Buttercup, Blossom, come down here now." Professor calls us. I put my toys down, Blossom puts her book down, and Buttercup gets up from the bed.

We then walk out of our, down the stairs, and into the living room where Five men and one lady are waiting.

"Yes Professor?" Blossom speaks up.

"Girls, meet the mayor. He's come to congratulate you all." I smile.

"Hello Mayor, I'm Bubbles." I introduce myself.

"I'm Blossom." My eldest sister says with a smile. 

"Buttercup." My second sister says with a bored expression on her face.

"Girls, how would you like to become heroes and save the day?" The mayor asks, his brown eyes looking at Blossom.  I look at Buttercup and Blossom. Their eyes filled with pride.

"We would love too!" Blossom exclaims, proudness in her voice.

"That's great news. Now, you guys will be a team." The mayor explains to us.

"Who will be the leader?" The question comes out of my mouth quickly.

Buttercup and Blossom look at the Professor as I do the same.

"Mayor, what do you think?" He looks at the mayor with uncertainty in his voice.

"Blossom will be leader. She will make the plans, be the brains, and the face of the team." The mayor smiles, and pulls out three necklaces. Two are in graved with a letter 'P' and the last one engraved with a 'G'.

"Leader of the PowerPuff Girls, Blossom. " He passes a necklace with the letter 'P' to my sister, she takes it and puts it on.

"Toughest fighter of the team, Buttercup." He then does the same, BC takes it with pride, and a smirk on her face.

"The joy and laughter of the team, Bubbles." He hands me the necklace that has the letter 'G', I take it and put it on with a smile.

"Congratulations Girls."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I still the wear the necklace and so does it Buttercup. 

Blossom destoryed hers.

She broke her oath and promise.

She promised to protect her town.

She failed.

But we failed too.

We should have realized the stress Blossom went through.

She was the leader, the person who was blamed if our missions went wrong.

She was forced a position that she never really wanted.

I remember hearing her cry at night.

She blamed herself for the deaths of people.

She blamed herself if we got hurt.

A big responsibility at a young age.

I hope we can save her before the last petal falls off.

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