Chapter Five

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Old Enemies
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"Pinkie?" A voice pulls me out of my mind.

I turn and find three pairs of eyes, blue, red, and green.

The RowdyRuff Boys. I haven't seen them since that day, 5 years ago.

Brick, leader of the RowdyRuff Boys, wears his red hat, read shirt, black pants, with red converse. His long hair is pulled back into a pony tail.

Buth, roughest fighter of the RowdyRuff Boys,  wears a dark green shirt, with black pants, and his dark green converse. His black hair, spiked up.

Boomer, the youngest of the RowdyRuff Boys, is wearing a dark blue shirt, with black pants, and dark blue converse. His blonde hair, lays flat on him.

I smile slightly, after all these years, the boys have stuck with their colors.

Their faces filled with confusion.

"Well if isn't it the RowdyRuff Boys? Or have you changed and become good?" I ask, with a slight chuckle. My eyes, no longer pink, but gray, look into their eyes.

"Your eyes? What's going on? Never thought I see a PowerPuff go bad." Brick says, his brows scrunched up in confusion, while his brothers continue to look for anymore change on me.

"Former PowerPuff." I say with a frown forming on my face.

"What do you mean former? What about your sisters? What have you done?" Butch asks, his eyes show concern.

'Maybe they've changed' I think to myself.

"As I said, former. My title will be passed on to another person. And I haven't done anything, it's what he did to me." I explain and start to giggle a bit.

"Bloss-" I cut Boomer off. "I'm not Blossom anymore." His face shows shock.

"Alright Pinkie, let's go find your sisters, so they can fix you." Brick states, but I shake my head.

"No! I refuse to go back their to them. After all, I have a mission to complete." I explain and turn away from them, my hands crossed over my chest, the sun starting to go down.

"Mission my ass!Let's go Pinkie!" His voice rises.

"I have a mission to do. I will not go back, not until my mission is complete." His eyes get darker.

"You're not Blossom! Blossom would never put a mission before her sisters! Her sisters were her top priority! Now, I don't know who you are, but you have five seconds to get out of Blossom, before I kick your ass!" Brick yells in fury.

Boomer and Butch get into fighting stance nodding their heads.

I frown. 'Fine, if they want a fight, a fight is what they will get.'

"Your right, I'm not Blossom. She died a year ago. I'm just borrowing her body until my mission is complete." I laugh.

"Blossom isn't dead!" Brick, even more furious, yells out.

"Believe what you want, I don't care." I lift off the ground and fly a bit higher.

"The rose has wilted. Her last petal hanging by a thread. Can they fix their mistakes or will she continue to wilt, until there's nothing there." I taunt them.
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10 years ago

"Blossom! Blossom! Blossom!" They chant loudly. I look down at the people and smile.

My job was easy.

Fight evil, save lives.

Hero work was supposed to be a dream.

But they never tell you about the lives you might lose


The judging you'll get if you mess up.

I thought it was praise and awards.

Cause that's all I ever knew, until I lost my first life.

"Blossom, I'm sorry." My eyes fill with water and I frown.

One of the citizens got hurt during my battle, and they were taken to the hospital.

The doctors had said she would live, but she didn't.

My sisters didn't know, only I did.

"Mayor, I deeply apologize for this incident." My head facing the floor, my eyes red, and my hair is a mess.

He frowns, his eyes show pure rage.

"I trusted you to protect the city and the lives of people. The people were your first priority. What were you doing while she was suffering!? Huh!?" He screams, anger in his tone.

The girl who died on my watch, was his niece.

Isabella. A young bright girl. Loved by all.

"My sisters were in danger, so I went to help them before they got hurt, though I didn't know Isabella was there at the time." I explain, trying not to cry.  That right isn't mine. It's the towns and his.

"You let her die on your watch. I will cover up you mistake, but in return, I demand a punishment for you. I'll call Professor later to tell him your punishment." He explains, still angry.

"Yes mayor. Thank you mayor." I nod and fly out of his office, yet still hearinh him cry and beg for his niece to return.
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My punishment was eight whips.

Eight whips for eight years.

The Mayor inflicted them himself.

Professor stood by and watched.

Each time I was whipped, I kept quiet.

I was told I deserved it.

I was told I was too blame.

After my punishment, I was forced to heal without any help, and still fight crime.

My sisters had no idea because if they knew, they would be punished too.

The Mayor wanted to break me.

He wanted me to suffer.

To feel the pain, he felt.

That's where all the cruelty acts that happened to me came from.

This is what fueled his hate for me.

If only I had protected his niece, he wouldn't have hated me.

If only I was stronger.

The Mayor hated me from that day on.

I didn't care.

After awhile, his punishments didn't cause pain, and that forced him to find new punishments.

He broke me over and over again.

He was killing me slowly.

Finally he won.

He got his wish.

He killed Blossom.







He killed her. He murdered her with his own hands.

Laughed as she suffered.

Took the sunlight away, till the rose started to wither away.

One more petal left to go.

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