~Chapter 8~

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Keys and Secrets



"What the FUCK were you doing!?"

I yelled into Reed's face, I was furious. I witnessed something I wish I didn't, but I'm glad I did. I had to yell at Cyrus to go away, it was the only thing i could do to get him away from my perverted ass 'friend'. I feel a giant pit in my stomach as I see Reed start laughing at what I'm saying.

"I just did what you were to scared to even fucking try. Cyrus wanted me so bad~" Reed said, which made me flinch with disgust. This fucking-

"Reed, I highly doubt you know the difference between CONSENT and RAPE, You dumbass!" I shot right back at him, which caused him  to look even more annoyed than he already was.

"You know he was into me TJ, unlike YOU I have balls to make him want to see me on his knees," Reed said, pulling the same wide smirk from before. If I could choke this fucking asshole right now, trust me I would.

"Shut the fuck up Reed! I don't even like him, but I wasn't going to stand there and watch you harass that poor boy who did NOTHING to you!" I replied

Did I seriously say that? WHAT THE FUCK?!

Reed opened his mouth to say another word, but before he says anything fucking stupid, I punched him right in his jaw, preventing him to say anything. And it felt great to shut his perverted ass mouth up.

He fell against the wall once again, but he still kept that smirk on his face. He makes me fucking sick. "Well played TJ, Well.Fucking.Played" he spoke, getting up from his fall.

He laughed again and walked up, starting to speak. "If you care this much you better fucking watch him because trust me, I'm not done with him. And when I am you're gonna be nowhere to be seen."  Reed threatened, walking out of the door before I can say anything.

Great, now I have to apologise to the whimp and keep an eye on him before Reed does anything else.

I was about to walk away before I look down at the floor, seeing a sheet of paper. I flipped it over and saw it was the absence excuse sheet he was trying to make me sign. I stared at it for a few seconds before sighing, might as well make him happy.

So, I signed it.



Cyrus' POV

I feel horrible, violated, I wanna throw up, forget this ever happened...

I can't keep this hidden, I need to call somebody, but who?

I saw what Buffy did to TJ last time, and she might think it's his fault, there's no way I'm calling Jonah because he won't care about me as much as—

So, the only person who I could POSSIBLY call is Andi, if she's not out with Jonah, of course. I pick up my phone and scroll to Andi's contact, texting her quickly.

Today 4:30PM
C: Can u please meet me at the spoon, it's important. Don't bring Jonah with you please...

Today 4:31PM
A: Cyrus are you okay? Did something happen?  

Today 4:32PM
C: Just please meet me there, I'll explain..
      Read 4:33PM


I sat down at our usual booth at the spoon, I was tapping my fingers on the table anxiously, this felt like when I came out to Buffy, but worse. My heart was pounding, and I hoped to only see Andi walk through that door, because she kinda sucks at listening. I sigh and wait for her, which felt like hours even days.

Just then I heard the bell to the entrance of the store ring, that usually indicates that someone has entered. I peeked over the booth in front of me and saw Andi. Thank god, she's alone. I wave her over and she was quick to notice.

"Cyrus! What's wrong what happened?!" She exclaims, I quickly shut her up and tell her to sit, hoping nobody hears what I'm going to say.

"Please keep your voice down.." I whisper, looking back and forth before looking back at her. She was wearing one of her signature headbands and a jean jacket, she was probably gonna go hangout with Jonah.. or even Amber.

"Sorry! I'm just really worried about you" She then sat down in the chair in front of me "So what happened?" She asked desperately, wanting to help me. I sigh and stayed silent for a few seconds, why am i so scared, this is my friend since kindergarten.

"You know TJ right?.." I ask, trying to keep it slow. She nods vigorously, of course she knows what kinda question was that Cyrus!

Just tell her and everything will be fine

"Kippen? Yeah, captain of the basketball team, Buffy told me about him-" Her eyes widened immediately.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!" She blurted out, causing almost everybody to look over at are boothe. Come on Andi!

I feel a wave of fear build over me from all the stares, I cough lightly and answer her, "Andi he didn't do anything to me.. it was.." I try to say, god Cyrus just spit it out!

"It was Reed" I finished my sentence, looking down at my hands. Andi takes a few seconds to think, then her eyes widen in realization. "The blonde one? What did HE do to you?!" Andi exclaims again, but more silently.

This is it. I feel myself start turning red in fear, I'm holding my breath and I'm trying to figure out the right words to say this. Andi grabs my hands to try and calm me down. "Please it's okay, just tell me" She says quietly, making me feel a bit better.

I breathe in.

"Reed he- brought me to the washroom and-" I try to explain, but I feel the fear of telling her build up in me again. It's like it's replaying in my head.

'Here for the tips I see~'
'I know the truth baby~'
'Not until I hear you scream my name-'

"Cyrus...that's sexual harassment" Andi pointed out

Okay, calm down..

"And I wanted to tell you because... I needed to get it off my chest, but please oh please don't tell anyone.." I plead, feeling that same feeling of wanting to throw up.

Andi crossed her heart "I promise I won't tell a soul" she spoke as our food came to the table, Amber was working today, so she was the one handing us our food. "Enjoy you two" she said, she looks over at Andi specifically and smiles, and I swear from the corner of my eye I saw her wink.

"Now, how about we eat and I'll help you through this" Andi says, smiling at me. I feel much better, but at the same time, I feel like the news will spread quickly.



Swinging Feelings// A Tyrus FanficWhere stories live. Discover now