Daniel fainted

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    "Through his cunning
     He shall cause deceit to
          prosper under his rule;
     And he shall exalt himself
          in his heart.
     He shall destroy many in
          their prosperity.
     He shall even rise against
          the Prince of princes;
     But he shall be broken
          without human means.
    "And the vision of the
      evenings and mornings
     Which was told is true;
     Therefore seal up the vision,
     For it refers to many days in
          the future."

     And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days; afterward I arose and went about the king's business.  I was astonished by the vision, but no one understood it.
              Daniel 8:25-27

     Oh, so much to learn in the Bible.  I reread MY HIGHLIGHTED BIBLE VERSES which showed my ignorance; but not really, the Bible is the living word.  It can really get confusing, as Jesus references Daniel in Matthew 24:15.  Jesus is talking about the Second Coming when He has not been crucified yet. 
    The ram and the goat refers to Alexander the Great, which happened.  And this passage is about Antiochus IV.  He ruled in Syria, so am I missing something. 
     The book of Daniel is so accurate that many people try to debunk it.  I went round and round with an atheist on Twitter about Daniel.  He shut up when I mentioned the Maccabean theory. 
     Hopefully, he learned, probably not, but I did.  We can't prove anything at all, unless we were present.  Faith in God, is all I have, and I am thankful every day for it.
     God is so alive - I love You, Father!  Who wrote the Bible?  God did through people and His Prophets.  I will argue that fact until He takes me off the earth. 
     I believe Daniel and Jesus - this will happen again.  I totally don't understand though.  Daniel fainted at the power of this knowledge, and he didn't understand.
     I do understand him in trying to get help from man.  I did the same thing; no one understands.  People want to try to rationalize things - the carnal mind. 
     I wonder how the prophets would feel if they came back and saw the faces of people that doubted them.  I'm sorry, Father, that is my carnal mind.  God doesn't operate that way.  It is all about Him; it is His prophecy. 
     I do have a point though - I think :-\  I say I think, because why believe prophets; why believe me?  Jesus tells us that there are many prophets. 
     Prophets will quote the Bible; prophets will give all the glory to God; and prophets will not try to profit from their knowledge.  True prophets are concerned with pleasing God - only!  If you are a God-fearing person, then you will know. 
     God does expect us to use our brains that He gave us.  He also puts us in situations that require His help.  Don't ever hesitate to ask God for help.  Tell God you love Him. 

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

     Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 

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