Reaffirm your love

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Therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love to him.
1 Corinthians 2:8

If someone does something wrong and does the punishment, then he should be welcomed back with open arms. We all make mistakes and should be punished by man, all the while remembering that God is in control. God punishes the ones He loves -

My son, do not despise the
chastening of the LORD,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the LORD loves
He corrects,
Just as a father the son in
whom he delights.
Proverbs 3:11,12

Jesus had to learn obedience, how pure is the Father? There are ones that could care less. I think we all want to help the ones that are trying to do better. Real help comes from the father. Tell God you love Him.

Note - I really needed this verse today, as I am leaving the mission. There are many drug and alcohol addicts here that aren't trying to do better - very selfish people. There are good people, too, but many people are just selfish and inconsiderate.
I let a man cut in front of me, and a man asked to cut in front of him and he said no. This, to me, relates to the parable of the unforgiving servant. Something good was done to the man (letting him cut) then he didn't let someone else on front of him. This man is nice to me, but he needs to be nice to everyone.
Just because someone is nice to you doesn't necessarily make them a good person, how do they treat others? Treat everyone the way God wants you to treat me. Tell God you love Him.

Note 2 - I don't want to waste an entry. Went to see my doctor today and I need to go back in three weeks. He said that he was gonna give me a tent. He is a God-fearing man, but does not need to do that act of kindness; trust me, it is God.
Then, after my doctor visit, I went to Slab City. I saw my neighbor and very little of my stuff remains. Go figure, the tent was given to me and now God is gonna give me another one, isn't He awesome.
God directed me back to the mission, although I still needed to check in with my neighbor. It wasn't a wasted trip. I felt funny about it in the first place. It doesn't matter what I think - God is in control! He wants me here and here I will be until He is ready.
God knew my tent was gone at Slab City, and before I knew it, He already gave me another one. More blessings are to come, which makes me feel weird, strange; I flat out don't know. God told me about the blessings. It is cool, but I don't want to disappoint Him.
I don't like people giving me things, being needy. I have been better about graciously accepting things; they are from God. My time grows shorter every day; profound, I know, doesn't everybody's? Unlike everyone else, I know when I will die. Well, some sick people might know, but I know the date.
It is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it is strange knowing; on the other hand, I want to be with the Father. It is strange because the carnal part of me says that it is too short. The Spirit part of me thinks it is too long. God told me this way before He set me on this journey. It all seems like a moment ago.
You should know my time grows shorter, as I am now writing about this - nine entries left. I still have the book, RETURN OF THE CHRIST, so I am not done writing. Praise to the Father!
I will have to pray, because God may not want me revealing too much. Nobody is reading right now, and it is different when you do. I get those, "wait a minute" feelings. God allows me to reveal what I want except the date of the Second Coming. He will, but it is up to the nonexistent readers right now.
Then the confusion sets in. The Holy Spirit is awake in me currently. I am starting to feel things which I can't explain. I am starting to feel a tiny bit of purpose or something. It is weird. There was a small chance I would stay at Slab City, but it is hot and no campsite; well, mine was being occupied. Questions were answered, that's all.
I feel settled a bit, like the frame to a puzzle has been built. There is still the unknown, but the frame is a good start. The pieces will come together.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

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