Humble yourself before God

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     Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah, who were gathered together in Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, "Thus says the LORD:  'You have forsaken Me, and therefore I also have left you in the hand of Shishak.' "
     So the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves; and they said, "The LORD is righteous."
     Now when the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, "They have humbled themselves; therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance.  My wrath shall not be poured out on Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak.
    "Nevertheless they will be his servants, that they may distinguish My service from the service of the kingdoms of the nations."
            2 Chronicles 12:5-8

     Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, and destroyed twice - wow!  This is God's city!  He allowed this to happen, mainly because the people were unfaithful.  Humble yourself before God knowing He is in control. 
     Yesterday, I had to go to Slab City, and I may have stayed.  Somehow I knew I wouldn't, and God told me that I would have a roof over my head the rest of my days.  If I had stayed, then I would have slept on the old couch - no roof you see.
     I had to go for some reason.  A girl that is at the mission, her van is still by my campsite; I just told her that it was and she gave me a big smile.  Who knows? 
     I really went knowing that God would direct me.  Other people had built a structure at my camp, so I couldn't stay there if I wanted to, which I didn't.  I could have stayed elsewhere, but I came back to the mission. 
     I am gonna do my best to help an older man try to read.  We are gonna start with the abc's. God just told me, in His way, that I need to stay put for a while.  I made the trip, only 60 miles, for His reason.  I can go back and will if He wants.  My neighbor said he has my propane grill and some tools. 
     They are all things that can be replaced.  Am I angry?  No, it is between God and the people involved, mainly my neighbor.  God has proven that He will provide what I need - He will provide! 
     Let God be in control, it is good for your blood pressure :-)  I only get upset when I hear the LORD'S name taken in vain, etc.  I am getting better, but you know, it is something I don't want to hear.   
     I love God!  If people don't listen to me then they are not hearing God - I am all about His business.  Am I perfect?  Not even close, God made me for His purpose.  It can get tough, as I have not met or talked with anyone that is close to my faith.  Don't get me wrong, I seek these people! 
     The big problem I have found is people not understanding God is in control.  They share examples of how they think God has worked in their lives, e.g. surviving an operation.  Many people survive catastrophic events all the time.  God is in control.
     But I haven't heard, "God kept me around to do His will!"  I just don't think I understand the differing levels of faith.  We are here for God, to worship Him! 
     See, the carnal mind comes into play, and God does not like the carnal mind.  My mom thinks God wanted her to buy a condo in Laguna Woods and sell her house in Indio.  She, as far as I know, made this decision while I was her at the mission... hmmm.  The mission is in Indio, btw. 
     God separated me from everyone on my trip to Montana, as I had to destroy me cell phone.  I totally understand now, but really didn't at the time; I only did as He asked.  I don't question and have faith.
     God is fixing to do some things, this I know.  I don't understand though.  I struggled with this question yesterday - why did God work the wondrous miracles in Egypt through Moses?  I mean, why not on His own. 
     I think, through writing this, I found the answer.  People don't understand that God is in
control - they have to be told.  Pharoah was told several times (ten miracles) before he got the message.  Without being told, people must think - look at all these flies, that sure is strange. 
     Many people want to rational things, the earth just does things.  Let me ask - who created the earth?  I am rambling ahhh-gain.  Everything is about God.  Tell Him you love Him!

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

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