Bad Decisions Taste Like Cherry

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"I just don't think it's a good idea," Peter sighed. Again.

"So you've said," you mutter into your knees. You were curled up on the couch in the living room, watching peter as he puttered around the kitchen. In and out of view. Opening and closing cupboards and the fridge. "But I know Mettaton. I trust him."

"So you've said."

Over and over. Just as he had cautioned you against such a thing over and over. You didn't want to fight about this again. Didn't want to rehash the same tired point. But you didn't know what else to do. Sure you didn't really need Peter's permission, but you felt like you did. Something in your head just told you not to go without the okay.

"And I'll say it again," you muttered as Peter crossed from the kitchen to the living room, handing you a drink. You absentmindedly took a sip. Tasty. It was a fizzy, cherry flavoured thing that had a flavour only Peter could replicate. He concocted the thing after all. "He's my friend and I know he couldn't put me in danger."

"Are you sure? You've only known it for four months. How can you be sure it won't do anything? Or put you in a dangerous situation?" He didn't sit, just started pacing.

"He, not it." Despite your constant reminders, Peter refused to refer to Mettaton as anything but 'it'. Which was beyond annoying. Then again, he refused to refer to any monster by their proper pronoun. "And I do know. We've been alone plenty of times during work and he's never done anything." Beyond being fabulous and flamboyant. "You'd think if he wanted to harm me, he would have already."

"Key phrase there being at work. If it did anything in those situations, you'd have called for help. What if it's just waiting to get you completely alone? What if these other monsters are in on it?"

"What are they going to do, sacrifice me to their dark overlords?" you quipped, taking another sip from your drink. You meant the remark sarcastically, but the look Peter shot you said he thought they might.

"Monster's haven't been on the surface for very long—"

"Long enough to establish themselves on the surface. And to be recognized as their own, intelligent species. And to be given rights equal to humans." They got a lot done in a year. Very impressive. You kept sipping.

Peter glared at you. "But there are still so many unknowns. There must have been a reason they were locked under the mountain in the first place, yet they won't tell us why."

"Wow, it's almost like, like humans forgot and they don't want to remind us because we're currently at peace." Another drink as you rolled your eyes.

"Doesn't that sound like a red flag to you?"

"No. So what if it was something terrible? It's not like humans have a clean record either. Do you know how many twisted ways we've devised to kill each other? Or torture? History doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture."

"But that information is available."

"And they've shared their basic history. They let humans into the Underground now too— they aren't exactly hiding."

"But what about what they are hiding?"

"How do you know they're hiding anything?"

"Why wouldn't they?"

You let out an exasperated sigh. There was just no getting through to him. He was a stubborn as an ox. You took a long sip of your drink, then stifled a yawn.

"I'm just trying to look out for you (y/n)," Peter sighed, finally taking a seat beside you. "You understand, that right?"

"I know," you huffed, yawning again. Your eyelids drooped a bit.

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