Splish Splash

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It was early afternoon by the time you managed to get everyone out of the house, leading your five-man band down the somewhat overgrowth path to the river. With Papyrus, Undyne, Frisk, and Sans behind you, you had a good percentage of those in the cabin. The rest had declined for various reasons, including not being waterproof, wanting to look at the local flora, and reading.

Your destination—the potholes—were pockets of water that formed naturally along a slow-moving river. The hollowed-out pools ranged from shallow to deep, and were carved into a combination of loose pebbles and bedrock. The particular pool you were headed to sat just on the back edge of your property, the third in the chain. It was private, large, and deep, which was excellent in the heat of the summer. The public potholes further down were often crowded and noisy. It was protected on one side by bedrock and the treeline, the other a man-made clearing smoothed over by a blanket of moss. On the upstream side of the river the bedrock rose into a twenty some foot-high cliff, feeding the pool with a gentle waterfall.

"Well, here we are!" You declared, waving towards the water as you reached the end of the path.

"NGAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" As soon as she saw the water, Undyne threw down the supplies she'd be toting, which was a good majority, before literally sprinting towards the water. She charged in without hesitation, diving in as soon as the water was past her waist and not emerging for a somewhat concerning amount of time. "This is AWESOME!"

"You could have helped us set up!"

"Sorry WHAT? I can't hear you over how AWESOME this is!" She dove back under the surface, red hair streaming behind her as she made a beeline for the bottom of the waterfall. You huffed in annoyance, despite not feeling anything but amusement. You were glad she was enjoying herself, and couldn't help but eye the cool water somewhat enviously. The sun high and relentless, and you knew it'd be heaven to swim.

But you wouldn't feel right joining Undyne without helping set up first. You set about unrolling the towels and lining them up on the moss. It was a thoughtful addition to the clearing, added by your Grandad. The soft plant created a cushion over the bedrock, taking well to the moisture and sun. As you set the towels Papyrus and Frisk found some larger rocks and used them to prop up the beach umbrella for shade. As soon as the first towel was down, Sans promptly settled on his back with his arms behind his head.

"You know, you could help too." You prodded him with a rolled-up towel, aiming to knock the sunglasses he'd taped to his skull off. At least he'd ditched the blue hoodie for just his white t-shirt, swim trunks covered in cartoon hotdogs and pink crocs. He looked absolutely ridiculous. You missed.

"nah, wouldn't want to moss with the system."

Papyrus promptly swiped the towel from your hands, unrolled it, and flicked it over Sans in one smooth motion. That made you guffaw, barely withholding a snort. You thought he looked ridiculous before but now, with the indent of his sunglasses clear and pink crocs sticking out from the end—that was even worse. "NONE OF THAT! WE WOULD HAVE INVITED YOU IF WE WANTED YOUR WRETCHED PUNS BUT WE DIDN'T. SO, SHUSH!"

"sorry, sorry. you know what bro? just for you i'll throw in the towel."


"cotton dry. you won't hear another pun from me."


"come on, bro. don't you trust me?"


"you break my heart bro. famous, back me up here."

You rolled you eyes, both at their antics and the new nickname. You weren't sure you liked that one. "Oh no, you're on your own pal. I won't cover for you."

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