Wow, Such Fort

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Papyrus barreled down the stairs and out the patio door. He didn't pause as he bounded down the steps that curved down the hill, finally screeching to a halt on the grass below. The field was a long stretch that was surrounded by trees, enclosed and safe and perfectly private. The cottage you'd given to Asgore was off to the right, as was a shed and another single room cabin that had been renovated into a music room. The stairs ended on another wood, slightly raised patio that held a hidden cooler, BBQ, and picnic tables, and the laughter of many summer nights. There was also a hammock just off the patio, hanging between the closest trees. Papyrus finally released you on the grass, letting you hop to the ground with Frisk. He kept hold of his brother though, who seemed to have actually fallen asleep. "SANS YOU LAZY BONES, THIS IS NO TIME TO BE NAPPING!"

"m' awake," Sans mumbled, clearly not awake.

Frisk drew your attention away from the brothers by grabbing your hand and spinning you in a circle, coaxing you to laugh, before letting go and rapidly signing something. You gave them a sheepish smile, and pulled out your phone for translation. You overestimated your ability, and realized pretty quickly you had a long way to go before you could converse in sign. They smiled good naturedly, and started typing.

"What should we do now? Do you have any games? I'd like to go swimming, but Mom said it was too late. OH! Do you have a ball? Or a Frisbee? Or like maybe we could go hiking in the woods?"

"Well, I'm sure there's a ball and Frisbee in that shed over there, and there are definitely hiking trails through the forest. I think there's one that'll take roughly a half hour, if you wanted."

"DISCUSSING THE BEST WAY TO SPEND THE AFTERNOON TO MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY?" Papyrus interrupted. "EXCELLENT! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL LEND YOU MY STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES TO FURTHER THIS PLOT! ER, NOW, LET'S REVIEW OUR OPTIONS ONCE AGAIN SO I CAN MAKE SURE WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE. I, OF COURSE, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING ON, BUT I WANT TO ENSURE YOU DO AS WELL!" Papyrus' scarf started waving heroically in the wind, still holding Sans draped over one forearm. He was snoring slightly, and seemed extremely comfortable? You couldn't help but wonder if he was used to being carried around like that.

You giggled, and gestured to the shed. "We were just figuring out if we wanted to play with a ball or Frisbee, or go for a hike or something." Frisk tugged on your sleeve, and started signing slowly. What, you, used, do. Oh! "What did I used to do here?" Frisk beamed and nodded. "Well, when I was little my brother and I used to race down the hill and see who could roll down the fastest. Nothing like careening down a steep slope to get the blood pumping. Or, we'd go into the forest and build forts. We built a tree house one year too. It's probably still standing."


"Ten-year old (y/n) certainly seemed to think so. Want to see if we can find it?"

Frisk nodded enthusiastically, and you motioned for them to follow you into the forest. As you reached the tree line you stopped, hearing Undyne bellow from the upper deck, "HEY PUNKS! Where do you think YOUR going?!"

"TO FIND TACTICALLY ADVANTAGEOUS FORTS AND IMPROVE THEM!" Papyrus saved you from having to try to bellow back.

"NOT WITHOUT ME YOU'RE NOT! Wait RIGHT THERE!" She disappeared into the house for a moment, presumably to tell Alphys and Toriel where she was going, if the muffled yelling you heard was any indication. A second later she reappeared by the railing, vaulting over it and bypassing the stairs completely. She flipped in the air, landed on the rather steep hill, and basically slid the entire way down on her feet. It was completely bad ass. She hit the bottom of the hill running, and in less than two seconds flat you were staring at her back as she sprinted into the forest. "LAST ONE TO THE FORT IS A WEENIE!"

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