f i r s t d a y//r e a l l i f e

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"Is everybody ready? We have to leave now," I asked

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"Is everybody ready? We have to leave now," I asked.

Val, Mia, and josh all began shoving pancakes down their throats. "One second," Josh said.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are going to make me late."

Val got up and took their plates and threw them away, all the while Josh and Mia screamed at her. "We need to go, seriously. My client cannot be late."

"You're making me sound fifty and like you're a middle aged white mom that works as a real estate agent," I rolled my eyes.

Josh, Mia, and Val finally left the hotel room, and we found Mick waiting outside, moving paparazzi and fans back with his arms. When they saw us exit, they began screaming louder, pushing past Mick.

"Hey everyone, it's lovely seeing you all, but we really need to go and film the movie. I promise we will be back later, and I can take plenty of photos then," I announced.

"We love you, Catherine!" Someone shouted from the back.

I laughed. "I love you too!"

We were able to finally get in the car, and Mick began to drive us silently. Nobody spoke until Val began going over the routine with me. "When we get there, I'm going to immediately take you to your dressing room, then you'll get hair and makeup while we're at your trailer, then you'll film the scenes you memorized from awhile ago, do a few stunts, and then you'll have lunch, after you have a few interviews to run, then dinner, and then you can go to your trailer and sleep."

"I'm not going back to the hotel?" I asked.

Val gave me a look. "Cat, the trailer is for you to stay in. The rest of us have to go back to the hotel, but you have to stay."

"I promised all of those people that I was going to come back!" I announced, growing upset.

"Well, you can post an apology or something, and for those of them that are still there, we can give them free tickets that you'll pay for," Val suggested.

I shook my head. "No, I'll give them signed posters. They were there for photographs and signatures."

"Where are you going to get that many signed headshots?" Mia asked me.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in l. "You guys can print out more of my headshots while I'm filming, and I can sign them while I'm free."

"We only have 20 right now. I guess when you're in hair and makeup you can sign them, instead of going to the trailer, Josh and Mia can get them printed."

"Josh can get them printed," Mia corrected, "I'm no use. I don't even speak English."

"Good point. Mia, you can go to the trailer and sleep. Josh you get the headshots, I'll keep everything in schedule, and Cat, just do your thing."

The car stopped, and Mick opened the door, helping all of us out of the car. Immediately, I was grabbed by Val, who dragged me to the dressing room with my name on it. The second we got inside, I was yanked into the middle. Clothes were tossed in my direction, and I quickly got dressed while everyone talked about how late I was.

After I was dressed, they dragged me from the room, and I stumbled over my feet, since I was wearing heels that my character was supposed to fight in.

They brought me to hair and makeup, and they quickly put my hair in a ponytail, then curled it, continuing with the makeup, which was minimal. As they did it, I sighed all twenty of the papers Val had, and then they finally put the mask on, concealing who I was.

"Okay, you have about thirty minutes before you're on call, so you can go to your trailer and hang out until you get called in," the makeup lady told me.

I nodded. "Thank you."

She cringed slightly. "I'll be sending the speech coach your way as well."

My face fell. "What do you mean?"

"Your accent, it sounds very.. foreign," she told me.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Well I am foreign. If it's about making myself sound more American," I switched to my American accent, "I have it under control, thank you."

She nodded. "I may be seeing you later for touch ups."

I went outside to where the trailers are, and found myself staring down rows and rows of trailers. I had no idea where to start, so I began wandering down aisle after aisle until I heard a British accent nearby.

"..you must be Cat. I'm so excited to work with you!"

"Was?" I heard Mia respond.

"You know, on the film? Have you been to hair and makeup yet? I'm pretty sure your character isn't so.. natural?" The voice questioned, sounding unsure of themself.

"Ich spreche kein Englisch," Mia responded. (I don't speak English)

I finally rounded a corner, where I saw Mia looking very confused with a very confused Tom Holland. "Mia, there you are!" I announced in German, "this is why you should have learned English."

"Fight me, sis." Mia brushed me off, walking inside my trailer.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Tom, who looked more confused than anyone I had ever seen. I gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her, she wasn't the smartest person and decided to learn Romanian instead of English in school."

He nodded, as if he understood, then shifted on his feet, scratching the back of his neck. "I-I.. uh, you have a sister?"

I laugh, nodding. "Yes, we're twins, which I kind of assume you gathered."

"You guys look pretty similar, but if you were in the same room, then you can tell who's who," Tom said.

"How long, exactly, were you talking to her before you realized she doesn't know what you're saying?" I asked, half laughing at him.

"About ten minutes," he responded with a smile.

I burst out laughing, having to lean on my trailer to prevent myself from falling over. "T-ten minutes? That's insane!"

He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess I should have realized it wasn't you. I was just thinking you were pulling a prank on me."

I grinned. "That sounds like something I'd do. Thanks for the idea."

He nodded awkwardly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, rocking on my heels. "So, did you bring your dog?"

His face brightened up. "Tess? Yes, I brought her. She's in my trailer right now. Do you want to meet her?" He asked.

I nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely."

In A Movie (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now