l u n c h d a t e s//r e a l l i f e

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I put my phone down, starting to poke the pie the waitress had just brought us. The entirety of the meal, we had been silent, as Valentina had seen I didn't want to talk just yet.

"Okay, cat," she spoke up, finally breaking the ice, "You have been silent this entire time, and now you're poking at your pie, which you never do, so obviously this-Whatever is going on-is eating you up inside, so what's going on?"

I sighed, setting my fork down, looking directly at the table, "Bryson was my interviewer today," I began, "and you never told me it was a joint interview with Tom."

"So? What do either of them have to do with this?" She crossed her arms, confusion in her brown eyes.

"The lipstick wasn't exactly smudge proof, and Bryson immediately got jealous saying 'my girlfriend' and 'does your family still hate me', so Tom was pissed off at me, and then the interviewer asked us if we were dating, and we lied and said no, which he seemed upset about-"

"You've only been dating for two weeks," Valentina commented, looking at her watch.

"I know," I shrug, "and I asked him if he wanted to talk over dinner, but he ignored me and left."

Val's phone buzzed, and she looked at it. "Well, believe it or not, Tom just commented on your post asking if you were up for dinner still."

I looked down at my pie again, feeling slightly sad. "I know he did, I saw."

"And you didn't respond?!" She inquired loudly, causing many people to glare at us.

I showed her my phone, which had about a dozen texts from Tom, along with snapchats, and Instagram DMs. "I haven't responded to any of it."

"Come on, Cat. He was jealous, and now he wants to make it right. Don't lie and say you wouldn't do the same, if the situation was reversed."

I looked up at her with a sigh. "You're right."

She nodded, taking my plate of pie and switching it with her empty one. "Of course I am. You're the crazy bitch, and I'm your foil."

"You know I didn't study Literature in collage, you hoe," I reach across the table, stealing my pie back. "After I eat this, we're getting shakes, and you're telling me how I respond to Tom."

She held her hands up in surrender. "Fine, bitch."

I grinned, and everything seemed to click back into place at that moment. Things may have been rocky with Tom, but with Valentina, I at least had that regular feeling of home.


"You don't want to seem to desperate, so just simply say 'sure' and that's it. If he responds, it has to be at most three words," Val tells me.

I gave her a look. "How do you know all of this?"

She shrugged. "I hoed around in high school. Thanks for forgetting." She then reached across me, and pressed send on the text.

I took a deep breath, feeling anxious for his response. All of this was new to me. In high school, I never had a real boyfriend, I would just go to parties, kiss people and make out, nothing more. And with Bryson.. that was more publicity than anything. I never really liked him, and when we went out, nothing really changed those feelings. When I broke up with him, he admitted our relationship was only publicity for him, and that he wanted to end it ever since I told him I didn't want to have sex with him.

I felt my phone vibrate, and I looked at it in excitement, until I saw my brother was texting me. However, Val didn't see that it was only Josh.

"Well, What did he say?"

"Your dog ate my shoes," I read, giving Val a blank stare.

She furrowed her brows. "Your dog is in Germany?"

"No," I laugh, "Josh texted me that."

"Ugh," she fell back into her chair, "why can't he just respond?" Suddenly, her phone chimed and before I could grab it, she snatched it up.

I gave her a look. "Keeping secrets now, are we?"

She cocked an eyebrow at me, barely looking up from her phone. "Maybe. It's for a good cause."

"Are you volunteering, or is there a possibility that you actually get a boyfriend instead of a fuckfriend?"

She blushed, smirking at me. "Possibly the second."

"Oh my god, who?!" I screeched, nearly jumping out of my chair.

There were some hushed whispers from around us, and then suddenly a polite looking waitress came up to us. "I'm sorry, is there any way you both could quiet down? We've had quite a few complaints from other customers, and right now I'm the only thing keeping my manager from kicking you both out."

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "it's boy stuff. I promise we will leave you a generous tip for everything."

Valentina nodded, whispering poorly to the woman. "She's an actress, when she says genuine, she means genuine."

I reach across the table and slap her, and the waitress gives me an excited look. "Oh! You're going to be playing Arya, right?"

I nodded, and she smiled widely. "Oh my gosh, I'm an idiot, I thought you were your sister, because your filming schedule says you're filming a scene right now." She frowned.

"We were a little ahead of schedule, so I managed to finish all my scenes early. And my sister is in Germany, and doesn't speak English." I shrug.

"I know this is a little intrusive, but can I have your autograph?" She questioned shyly.

"Of course! I don't mind, if I ever see you again, don't be afraid to ask," I grin widely at her.

"Um," she pats her apron for a moment, giving me an apologetic look, "You don't mind waiting for me to go grab a marvel headshot, do you?"

"Of course not," I smiled.

"Thank you so much, again," she stated, rushing off to the back.

My phone vibrated, and I nearly fainted when I read the text. "From Tom," I read aloud to Valentina, "I plan to take you somewhere fancy, so dress nice, darling. With a winky face."

She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "After you sign that and pay for this, we gotta go get you ready."

In A Movie (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now