f a m i l i e//r e a l l i f e

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I knocked on the door of my house, taking another look at Tom, who bounced with nervousness. I grabbed his hand for reassurance, kissing his knuckles. "You're gonna love them, and they're gonna love you."

"I know you were worried about speaking English to my family, but you've known it for years, and I've known German for a few months, and I'm not even fluent. What if I mess up so bad, they laugh at me, and never want to see me again?" He inquires.

"That's not going to happen because my family appreciates the fact that you learned their language, and they're going to see you again-wether they like it or not," I told him firmly.

He nods, biting the inside of his cheek, and the door opens, revealing my twin at the door. "Catherine!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around me. I let Tom's hand go to hug her back, excited that I get to see her again. "I missed you so much, it feels like it's been months since I've seen you!" She spoke in German.

"It's been a little over a year, little sister," I responded in German. I pulled away from her, motioning to my boyfriend. "You remember Tom?"

"From filming and Instagram, yes I do," she grinned, hugging him as well, giving him a shock, "I'm Mia, Catherine's twin, as you know. Don't be shy, our family is big on hugs."

Tom looked like he had no idea what was going on. "Mia, speak a little slower, your excitement makes it hard for me to understand you," I told her.

Tom gave me a grateful look. "Sorry," she said, "I talk fast when I'm excited."

"It's okay," Tom says hesitantly in German.

Mia turns to me, speaking super fast, "oh my god he's so perfect that he learned our language."

The words obviously flew over Tom's head, so I grabbed his hand, leaning my head on his bicep. "He is, isn't he?" I said.

"Why are you talking about me?" He complained in English.

"Just your little accent," I teased him.

"Mia, let them inside!" Mom yelled from inside.

"Oh, right!" Mia stole our bags, running inside the house, while I laughed behind the door. Tom looked nervous again, so I grabbed his hand, squeezing it assuringly.

"Come on, babe." I grinned. "My Mom is really excited to meet you." We walked inside, hands interlocked, and I immediately pulled my boyfriend to the kitchen, where I saw my mom baking and my dad eating kolaches. "Dad, it's noon, why are you eating kolaches still?"

"Because unlike in America, kolaches aren't just for breakfast," dad comments in half German.

"Where's Josh and Mia, I want to introduce everyone to Tom at the same time," I questioned, looking in the living room and leaving Tom in the kitchen alone with my parents.

"Actually, I was going to have a talk with Tom with your brother before we introduce everyone," dad said in French.

"Dad," I whined, "let me at least get him to know you guys before you scare him off."

He huffed. "Fine. Mia, Josh, Alex-come downstairs!"

"Gregory is here?" I question.

"He wanted to meet your boyfriend," mom shrugged.

I looked at Tom and he flushed red, grabbing ahold of my hand again. "Just play nice with him."

"You're supposed to be on my side," I roll my eyes, causing my mom to laugh.

"Didn't realize there were sides," Tom announced in English. Dad looked over at us in inquiry, but shrugged it off and watched as the three of my siblings came running down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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