p r e m i e r e p a r t o n e//r e a l l i f e

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Three months later ~premiere~

I open my eyes, feeling an arm wrapped around me. I turned my head, seeing Tom had his arm draped around me, and was playing with my hair. "Good morning, love."

"Morning, babe," I groaned, "What time is it?"

"Eight thirty," he answered, pressing a kiss on my cheek.

I groaned again, rolling over. "Too early."

"Guess What today is?" He whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes, suddenly realizing what today was. "It's premiere day, oh my god!" I shot out of bed, running into the bathroom to start getting the water warm for a shower.

"Darling, the premiere is at six, why are you getting ready now?" Tom questioned, walking into the bathroom.

"If it's at six, we need to leave here by five, which means I need to start getting ready at three, which means I need to shower now, so we can get lunch at noon, and watch a movie or something after," I answer bluntly.

"How long are you planning to shower, love?" He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my exposed neck.

I shrug, looking at my messy braid in the mirror. "I don't know, an hour?"

He seemed taken aback by my answer. "It's going to take you an hour to shower?"

"I have to shave, Tom."

He burst into laughter, glancing down at my bare legs, covered by only a pair of spandex. "Your legs are fine, darling."

I reached down, feeling my slightly rough knees. "Yes I do, now get out, so I can shower."

He rolled his eyes playfully, strolling out of the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it behind him, stripping myself of my clothing. I pulled my hair out of the braid and jumped in the shower, making sure to wash my hair, shave, exfoliate, and wash my face.

When I was done, I looked at the time on my phone, seeing it had only been thirty minutes I was in the shower, but I had forgotten my clothes.

"Scheisse," I cursed, looking around the bathroom for something to cover myself up with. I had a towel on my hair, but all the others were on the floor. I groaned, pulling it out, and wrapping it around my exposed body.

I cracked the door open, peeking out, seeing that Tom was nowhere to be seen. I creeped out of the bathroom, running over to my bag to rummage through it.

I managed to sneakily put on a bra and a thong before I was exposed to anybody, but thankfully it was just Valentina.

"Catherine, why are you half naked in your ro- Hattest du und Tom Sex?" (Did you and Tom have sex)

I turned bright red, quickly pulling on sweatpants. "No, Val!" I squeaked, "Ich war in der Dusche und habe meine Kleidung vergessen, weil Tom mich abgelenkt hat." (I was in the shower and I forgot my clothes because Tom was distracting me)

"Richtig, dich ablenken," she teased. (Right, distracting you)

"Oh my god," I fumbled with my shirt, trying to get it the right side out, but she stole it from me and threw it in the living room. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I ran into the other room to grab it, but I heard Valentina drop to the floor in laughter, I looked up, seeing Tom and Harrison staring at me. My eyes widened and I turned bright red, grabbing my shirt and running back into the bedroom. "Val I am going to murder you!" I shouted in German.

She screamed, running into the bathroom, and I stood quietly beside the door as I quickly put my shirt on. "Are you gone?" She whispered, peeking through the door.

In A Movie (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now