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Packing, packing, packing. Oh, guess what? More packing! For days and days! Who thought moving to another state would require so much effort? When I went on my trip to New York, I thought that was hard work. I even had to take a plane which meant plane tickets, which meant hours of Internet research. Packing, just PACKING, has already doubled the amount of stress and effort of the trip to New York, INCLUDING plane tickets and accommodation. Well, there is a long road ahead of me.

"WHERE'S THE WAFFLE MAKER"? I hear a shout from downstairs. It's my brother Ben, or Benjamin for long, but that's only the name I give him when I'm trying to annoy him. Let's take now as an example.

"I'M TAKING IT WITH ME TO CALI, BENJAMIN"! I reply back, with a slight sarcastic tone in my voice. But of course being only 10, he would believe anything I say. Reaction time.

I hear the loud thump of angered footsteps coming up the stairs and eventually there is a figure at my door, standing between the piles of clothes and hair tools.

"No way are you taking that with you. Give it back!" Ben said as he reached towards my suitcase.

"HEY hey hey, easy now, you'll ruin my neat piles of clothes and cords.." I joked. "Have you ever thought to check the dishwasher?"

Ben frowns and clumps back downstairs. Well, there's no more shouting, so obviously he's found it. Ah, I love messing with him.

I may or may not miss it when I go to LA.


It's well into the night now, about 10:00pm. The smell of burnt waffles still fills the air from when, unsupervised by Mum, Ben was making waffles. Well, that's something I won't miss.

I don't think I've mentioned by oldest brother, Marc. He's the complete opposite to Ben, and he's more like me. Quiet, introverted, generous and smart. Willing to take things on, quite uncommon for a shy boy. I like Marc, he's nice. Ben's just a poo. Marc has a girlfriend named Tracey, I guess she's okay, but I see way to much of her. Actually, Marc sees way to much of her. Which means I do too. Marc's 19, and back in highschool him and Tracey won the award for cutest couple and got the ship name 'Marcey'. Kinda cute, must admit. I'm just glad she's not one of those 'populars'. She's quiet like Marc which I like. Bit of a bookworm, but so am I.

Finally I'm resting on my phone checking my social medias and catching up on some of my book. Packing is hard. I'm going to bed soon, and I've never been more excited.

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