Whoever you are, I like you.

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The only thing in my vision is this guy. A man with a beautiful face, luscious hair, gorgeous smile and twinkling brown eyes looking down on me.

Snap out of it, Chey! He asked you a question.

"Uh - uhm, yes please," I finally reply, blushing.

"Of course," he answers and starts picking up my bags.

Once all my bags are back in order, I look at him and thank him. "Thanks again.. I guess I'll see you round?"

He smiles and turns off to his terminal.

I turn off to my terminal.

Still stuck in a haze of embarrassment, but beauty, I don't realise that he is a few metres away from me. Walking down the same corridor to his terminal.

I could have been certain that this was the corridor that lead to only terminal 7.

I look up at him until he notices me and smiles. He makes his way over to walk by my side.

"Hey, um - it's the guy from earlier. You know, the one that helped with your bags. I'm Ollie," He said, slightly blushing.

OMG, that smile. That half sideways, gorgeous smile...

SNAP OUT OF IT. Introduce yourself!

"Hi Ollie. I'm Cheyan, but call me Chey. Thank you for earlier. You were a big help," I reply.

"What a lovely name, I'm heading to terminal 7 to catch the flight to Cali. How about you?" He says.

"OMG, me too! .... Want to walk together?" I answer, blushing.

He nods happily and we walk down to terminal 7.


Finally, we board the plane. It's just a small plane, because it's a short flight, but there are lots of people boarding it.

People push there way into the airplane. Children, babies, teens, adults and the elderly, all types of people trying to sit together.

Not me, though. I'm sitting alone. I stand in the plane waiting patiently for an empty seat. All of a sudden, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder.

It's Ollie, and he guides me to a quiet corner of the plane where there are 2 spare seats. I smile at him and sit at the window seat. Right now, I'm hoping he doesn't turn away and find another place to sit.

He sits in the spare seat next to me. Score, a whole 4 hours next to a gentleman I just met who I think is absuloulty stunning.

Maybe this plane ride won't be so bad after all?

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