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"God, he really is perfect, isn't he?" Roger sighted quietly while looking over to John, who was sitting on a table across the room. His legs were crossed and he was chewing on the end of his pen.
"I guess...?" Brian answered, surpressing his sadness. He had a small lump in his throat, but Roger didn't notice. He only had eyes for John. To Brian, the most perfect person in the room was sitting right beside him - Roger.
"Just look how he chews up that pen. I might actually die from his cuteness!"
Brian didn't want to hear more about how much Roger adored their bass player. Every word he spoke about John made him die a little more.
"I'm gonna go talk to him."
Roger raised from his chair, fixed his hair and walked over to John, who only noticed the drummer when he was standing right next to him.
He smiled at him and John smiled back. The blonde laid his hand on Johns head and started stroking his hair gently while taking a look on the piece of paper his boyfriend was writing on.
"What are you doing, hun?"
"Oh, I'm just working on a new song."
Roger took the piece of paper and quickly read it. The song John was writing was definitely about love.
"Time don't mean a thing, when you're by my side. That really sweet!" Roger exclaimed. He was quite nosy and wanted to tease so he added: "Who is it about?"
That question made John more uncomfortable than Roger thought. He began to blush like crazy. Despite being that embarrassed, his sass was showing.
"Oh, you know... it's about Brian!" John snapped. Brian looked up from his book he was reading, when he heard his name.
"Obviously, it's about you, dumbass."
When he said that last sentence Roger started to blush as well. He knew right from the start that it was about him, but hearing it now was something different...
Without a second thought he pulled John in a kiss which soon started to become more heated. John, still sitting on the chair, placed his hands on Rogers lower back and pulled him closer.
Seeing Roger and John being so intimate with each other made Brian tear up from jealousy. But actually he had no right to be jealous - the two had been in a relationship for a few weeks now and Brian was nothing but a friend of theirs.
He quickly blinked away the tears that had appeared and focused on his book again. That was harder to achieve than he had thought, because he kept thinking about John and Roger being close to fucking practically right next to him.
Thankfully, Freddie came to save him.
"Everyone ready to continue? Darlings, you can keep snogging after our jobs are done here, but for now keep it down."
The lovers nodded, their lips and noses red. Roger whispered something into his boyfriends ear, making him giggle.

The band went into the recording studio which was next to the room they were in before. Everyone got their instruments and they quickly decided what song they wanted to play now. They agreed on doing the instrumental and the main voice of Somebody To Love first and later the choir singing part.
This session was very well - Queen finished the instrumental way quicker than any song they had done for the album yet.
Then, the choir part had to be recorded. Roger left his drum set to chug some water, followed by Freddie while the other two put their instruments away. Brian eventually joined Roger and Freddie and took a sip from his cup, too.
After finishing his drink Freddie raised his hands for a high-five.
"Halfway done, boys!" He said.
"Really Freddie? A high-five?" Roger replied with an ironic expression on his face. He looked at Brian who grinned and high-fived Freddie.
Now John came from behind and also high-fived him. He smugged at Roger who looked like he had been betrayed.
"You too, John?!"
John only grinned, gave him a small kiss on the cheek and left the room without a single word. His boyfriend shook his head in ironic disappointment and gazed after him. He sure had a cute bum.
Freddie must have noticed where Roger was looking at  because he snapped in front of Rogers face and loudly said "Focus! We wanted to do the singing, didn't we!"

Soon they started. John first watched them sing from the control room, amazed how all of their voices fitted so well together. It were moments like these that made him want to have a better singing voice, but since he couldn't change anything about it, he just shrugged it off.
The bassist caught Roger looking at him through the glass smiling. He returned the smile and blew a kiss at him, making Roger forget the lyrics for a second.
It was quite interesting to watch them sing but after a while it was really a bore. So John decided to go over to the table to keep writing on his song about Roger and him.
To get some inspiration he looked over to Roger again - that's when he noticed how Brian was looking at his boyfriend. It was... Kind of loving? John kept watching them when he felt that burning feeling in his chest growing stonger.
He forced himself to look away even though it almost hurt him as much as continuing to watch.
It made him sick to be that jealous but he couldn't change it.
But he figured that that was indeed enough inspiration. He quickly scribbled on his paper:

You know I never could see
where live was leading me
But will we be together for ever?
What will be my love? Can't you see that I just don't know?

That was obviously a little bit over the top but it was a love song and he also wanted to play a role. It was inspired by real life, but in no way exactly the same!
This part of the song should be slower and not as happy as the verses before. It should be melancholic and doubting.
John noted it at the side.
And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself looking over to the three again. Brian was still glanzing over to Roger from time to time.
The fire in his chest became more violent for a second time. He wasn't even sure if he was imagining things or if Brian was actually fancying his boyfriend.
"Are you hecking kidding me?" John whispered to himself.
He couldn't stand anyone at the moment. The bassist quickly stuffed all of his belongings into his bag and put on his bomber jacket.
He told the studio owner that he wasn't feeling well and to tell Roger he was at his flat and to call him as soon as possible.

Then he stormed off.

Freddie, Brian and Roger later came out of the recording studio, when they noticed that John was missing. They were confused for a moment but this feeling soon started to change to worrying.
John never left without saying anything. If he ever wanted to go home earlier, he waited for a break and then told his bandmates who were often understanding.
Roger looked at Freddie, who also didn't know what was going on.
He immediately went over to the studio owner and before he could ask anything, the man repeated what John said to tell Roger.
He was reliefed - at least he told anybody what was going on.
Nevertheless the drummer frowned. He wasn't going to call him. Like said, John never went away without saying anything to them, so something bad must have happened. He was going to stop by his flat and talk to him.
Also, if needed, comfort him.

Brian looked concerned when he saw Roger fastly getting his stuff together and getting dressed even quicker.
"Is everything okay? Do you know where John is now?" he asked.
Roger shrugged while putting on his boots.
"Well, I hope so. He's at home right now. John told me to call him, but we all know that I ain't fucking gonna do this. He is my baby. I have to check on him."
Brian laughed when he said baby. John was a grown man and even though he was a little younger than the rest of the band, he was more mature than Roger.
At the same time that shit hurt. Roger was so in love with his bassist that it literally tear Brian's heart apart.
But he couldn't talk to anyone about it. It was obvious why he shouldn't tell the couple and Freddie didn't even know he was gay.
I guess, he thought, it's just my fate to suffer.

Roger opened the door and yelled "See you tomorrow!" before leaving at an enormous speed.

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