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Hey, its me. After more than half a year I'm updating... 😂
I want to excuse the possible poor grammar in this as I haven't written anything lately.
But now, let's continue the story:

John was glad to find out that Freddie only wanted him to sing in a very short part of the song.
Despite now knowing that his friends couldn't hear him singing, he was still a little self conscious about it. And that they were being filmed for their music video simultaneously was making it even harder for him.
At least Roger was standing right beside him so he could hold onto his shirt when he felt anxious.

Once they began singing, John realized that it wasn't as bad as he thought it would.
It actually was quite fun!
Especially when he and Freddie sang the deep 'Somebody's and then Brian and Roger came in with the higher ones.
John noticed Rogers little habit of taking his hand to his ear whenever he had to sing and had to smile.

After they were done, the band had to record this section a second time a little bit different just to have an alternative option if the first one didn't turn out as they wanted.

As soon as the recording was done and the camera was turned out, Roger rewarded his brave little singer with a proud kiss on the lips.
John grinned and told him to stop.
"You did very well, John!" Brian said and meant it. He saw John's scars one time on accident and carefully confronted him about it. John was tearing up when he was honest with Brian about them. It moved Brian that he was actually the only one who heard the story.
All that led to the knowledge of John being very self conscious, so Brian tried to say nice things to him whenever possible.
Yet he was still the first one to leave the recording room, followed by Freddie and the couple, who all somehow squeezed through the narrow door at once.

Now, the song had to be finished by putting the various audio sequences in the right order. To be honest, nobody except Freddie was truly interested in helping David with it.
Hold on, wait, didn't John tell Roger a few days ago that Freddie had something going on with a dude named David?
Maybe Roger was just overthinking, Freddie was always very interested in making Queens music perfect.
Also, Freddie assured him that everything was going well with him and Mary. He even wanted to propose to her.
But the way Freddie constantly shifted closer to him made the whole scenery a little suspicious.
"Going to the bathroom, guys." John said.
Everyone knew at this point of working together with John, that this was just another way of saying 'I'm going to the bakery, smoke a ciggie and then maybe come back in half an hour.'
Roger didn't even look up from the mixing board.
"Get me a few scones!"
"And a coffee for me." Freddie threw in without looking up from the mixing table.
David said quietly that there was literally a coffee machine in the kitchen of the studio, to which Freddie replied 'No, Roger threw it out of the window again.' without batting an eye.
"Brian, do you want to come with me?"
Brian looked up in surprise and saw that Deaky wanted to talk to him in private.

On the way to the bakery, John's heart was beating so hard. Almost as hard as when he came out to the group.
"What's on your mind, Deaky?" Brian asked slowly.
The bassist hands begann to shake in his pockets.
"Um. You have depression."
A snort from Brian. "Yeah."
"And you know about my... Um... Scars?" John's voice got weak. He felt as if he was getting another - blackout? Or whatever that was.
"I was wondering if you know how to supress specific urges. Let's call it like that."
"I mean, I never really had the urge to harm myself, but I think distracting yourself with things you love - playing instruments, reading, eating your favourite food - should do the trick." Brian laid his arm around John's shoulders.
"But most importantly: talk to Roger. It will make it all better."
Deaky sighed and played on his scars.
"We're here." He announced when he smelled the fresh bread.

Brian had to carry everything (a coffee, a few scones, chocolate muffins, and a pretzel) while John strolled light-hearted with a cig in his mouth next to him.
"I love you." He casually said and took a drag. "In a platonic way, of course."
Brian's heart almost stopped. Was this the feeling when your so close to coming out?
"I'm gay, too."

"Oh my god you're the best!" Roger blurted out as soon as the door opened and Brian and John came in with the sweet smell of baked goods.
He showered his boyfriends with kisses while he simultaneously opened the bag. Roger moaned jokingly when he smelled the sweets and began snacking them.
Nobody noticed Brian's blushing cheeks.
John sat down next to Roger, wrapped his arms around him and hid his face in his chest.
"Aww." Roger said and smooched the top of John's head.

This time, John slept over at Rogers.
The whole day he couldn't stop thinking about Brian.
Was his reaction, when Brian looked at Roger like that still unjustified? Turbo-Jealousy-Mode activated, he thought to himself and laughed at this random thing that his mind just came up with.
Wet footsteps came towards the living room where he was reading the newspaper, while Roger showered.
"Oh-" John grinned when he saw Roger with only a towel around his waist and still almost completely wet.
"What? I like it better to be air-dried."
The drummer flopped down on the shabby couch.
"Hey, I have a question." He said and pulled John's thigh closer. "What is up with Freddie and Mary?"
"I don't know. What has he told you?"
"That he wants to propose to her."
John choked on air.
"You have to promise that you'll keep it a secret. I already told you that he dated a David. Yes. It's the David from our studio. And he told me that he broke up with Mary."
Rogers frowned.
"I don't get it. Why wouldn't he tell me? I like men as well."
John reassured him. "Maybe he lied to me. For some unknown reasons."

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