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When Roger woke up the next morning and looked at John's alarm he saw that it was 9:47 am. It took a moment before he realized that the two had to be at the studio at 10.
He almost fell from the bed from wanting to get up so quickly, waking up John.
He looked worse than the day before. John's face was pale and kind of looked translucent. His cheeks were swollen from stomach acid because the bassist had to puke once more that night.
"Roger?" His voice sounded sleepy and raspy and Roger's heart melt when he heard him.
"I'm right here." Roger responded taking his boyfriends hand and kissing it softly. John smiled and covered his head with the blankets so that only his face and a little bit of his hair was showing.
"Are you feeling better?" The drummer asked shuffling back to John - not caring that he actually had to go now.
John nodded slightly.
"At least I don't feel like vomiting anymore." He paused and looked at the alarm. "Shit, we have to go!"
John pushed the blankets away and wanted to get up when Roger pressed him down again.
"You're staying here, baby."
A kiss found its way onto John's forehead, who hummed happily.
Roger left the room quietly to get John a tea. Arriving at the kitchen, he got a cup from the cupboard and brought the water to boil.
Roger inspected the cup. 'Best son in world!' was written on it, below it a little picture of a car. He had to smile. The car and the cupboard reminded him of some interesting memories from the past.
He remembered when John hadn't been his boyfriend yet but Roger was already in love with him.
"Roger! Come out already! I will even go to the races with you!" John sighed when he locked himself in the cupboard. The members didn't see it but Roger was blushing in that moment. The thought of being alone with John for a day was too much for him to handle.
But of course it didn't get him out of that damned cupboard. Roger was just too stubborn.
A few months later they had their first date - at the races. That also was the day they shared their first kiss together.
They sat all alone at the back. John was watching the cars with concentration, but Roger didn't. He looked at John whose eyes were glowing and a subtle smile was on his lips.
"John..." Roger had mumbled and when he turned his face to him, still smiling, he gently placed his lips on John's.
The bassist was surely surprised but hadn't stopped the kiss. He instead closed his eyes and kissed Roger back. That's when Roger realized that John was also crushing on him.

Roger searched for tea bags in Johns kitchen when he felt cold arms wrapping around his waist.
"The tea is in the cupboard next to the fridge." John said kissing Rogers neck from behind.
He let go of his boyfriend and got it himself.
"I said you should get some rest, John!" Roger said slightly angry, watching John.
John shrugged while putting the bag in his cup and pouring the already boiling water over it. He was fully dressed in his flared jeans and a tight top and even already wearing his boots.
"Do you want some tea, too?"
John took a sip and pulled a face because it was way too hot.
"No. I want you to lay down and get some rest because, to be honest, you look like shit. And that's harder to achieve than you think, you're stunningly handsome most of the time."
John blushed.
"You are too."

Unfortunately, John was even more stubborn than Roger if it was about work. No matter what Roger said, he couldn't persuade him to stay at home. Eventually Roger gave up.
They looked at the clock again - 10:34 am. John quickly finished his tea, put on a sweater and a thick wool coat and left his house with Roger.
He locked his flat's door before leaving the building. The couple got into Roger's car with Roger driving and John sitting next to him on the passenger seat.
Roger noticed his boyfriend was shaking though he was wearing many layers of clothing and it was late summer. His forehead was also covered in sweat. He was worried but also remebered their little argument from moments before.
Roger started the engine and stopped it right after.
John looked at him confused.
"It doesn't work that way, John. You have to stay at home. I don't fucking care if you think you can work. You can't. You are fucking ill! I am going to stay with you, look after you and also take care that you don't even attempt to leave your bed again today."
"Roger... -"
"No, not Roger." He snapped. Roger stepped out of the car and slammed the door causing John, who was still sitting inside, to wince.
Then Roger opened the door at Johns side and pulled him gently yet forcefully out of the car.
He was still shaking and almost couldn't keep himself on his feet, but still insisted on being able to work.

Back in John's flat Roger forced him to change into something comfortable again. He helped John to undress, both beginning to blush. When John put his arms in the air to take his shirt off, his ribs were visible and it was obvious that he was ashamed of it.
"I'm too skinny, I know..." John mumble while sitting down on the bed. He got a little dizzy. Roger kissed his shoulder and neck.
"You're perfect."
He also helped him toget his pyjama pants on and his disneyland sweater. Then he kissed his boyfriends forehead and went to the small living room to call Freddie and Brian, who were probably waiting for them unpaitiently.
He dialed the studios number and waited for somebody to pick up. Fortunately, he didn't had to wait for long.
"Hello?" Brian's voice asked.
"Hey, Bri."
"Freddie, it's Roger." Brian yelled to the back. Freddies muted voice shouted back:
"Tell him that I'm gonna beat his blonde arse if they don't show up at the studio soon!"
"Freddie, told me to tell you-"
"Yeah, I heard it. But we actually can't come. John's got the flu and I have to take care of him. I'm sorry."
Brian quickly repeated what Roger just said.
Suddenly Freddie was on the phone.
"That poor baby! Let me talk to him!"
Roger decided that it would make John happy to talk to Freddie, so he went into the bedroom and gave John the telephone. The cable just reached the bed but it still worked out.
"It's Fred." Roger explained.
"Hey Freddie. I'm sorry we can't come. Roger forced me to stay." He said shooting an angry look towards his boyfriend, who just left the room.

After thirty minutes Roger checked on John. He was sleeping on his stomach, still with the receiver in his hand.
Drool was running from his mouth but it looked extremely cute.
Roger brushed through his hair and placed a kiss on the back of his head. He took the phone from his hand, hung up and took it back to the living room.
After that was done Roger went back to the bedroom to put blankets over John's small frame.
Roger decided to let him sleep for the rest of the day. 

That's when Freddie and Brian showed up. Roger heard a knocking noise and went to the door on tiptoes, trying to not wake John.
He looked through the peephole and sighed a quiet "Fuck."
Secretly he hoped to have a day for himself. The work on the album was quite stressful for all of them, so Roger didn't want to see Freddies or Brians perfectionistic faces.
The drummer put on a happy face and opened the door.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" He whispered and gave them a sign to talk quiet too.
"We came to visit our poor John. I have chicken broth!" Freddie replied, holding up a tupper box with the liquid in it.
Brian looked like he wanted to leave.
"Well, John is sleeping right now. You two can come tomorrow, right?"
Just as Roger wanted to close the door before their noses, Freddie said:
"John said to me he wanted me over on the phone!"
"But he is sleeping!" Roger whisper-yelled back. He was annoyed.
"He's right, Freddie. It wouldn't be very nice to wake him up." Brian finally took part at the conversation.
"Thank you!"
Freddie bit his lower lip. He got why the two were thinking this way but he wanted to be there for John.
"Roger? Is that Freddie?" The bassists voice came from the bedroom. It was barely noticeable and still raspy.
"Yes it is, darling!" Freddie yelled for an answer and pushed Roger out of his way to enter the flat.
He stuck his tongue out to Roger and announced:
"I got you chicken broth!"

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