220 18 10

Brian woke up to probably the worst headache known to humanity.
When he opened his eyes, it felt like the sun was burning off his cornea and the pain got stronger.
That's when he noticed that someone was banging against Freddies front door.
"Open up, you dickhead!"
It was Roger.
"You wanted us to be at the studio at 10 o'clock, so get the fuck up!"
Brian tried to move but something heavy was laying on his chest and made it hard to breathe. Brian slightly turned his head to see what the object was and realized that it was Freddie's arm and head resting on him.
The singer was snoring peacefully with his mouth a little bit open and his fingers twitching now and then.
We must have been completely wasted last night!, Brian thought.
"Annoying ass bitch." He heard Roger say. Then louder:
"John's got something to show us! He's very excited and only waiting for you! And Brian!"
When Roger mentioned his boyfriends name, Freddie immediately sat up and waited for Roger to say anything, so he could be sure he hadn't dreamt it.
It fascinated Brian that the singer had gotten out of his sleep that quick.
Freddie - now sure that it was really Roger who talked - sprung up and sprinted to the door. You could never be sure if Roger was bluffing if he said something like this.
Only in his underwear and some weird hat, he had no idea where he got it from, Freddie opened the door.
"Calm down, blondie. What do you want?" He asked.
The drummer suspiciously scanned Freddie from head to toe.
"Your thing is hanging out."
While Freddie hid it, Roger continued talking.
"Have you looked at the time? It's almost twelve. Me and Deaky have been waiting since ten. He was really excited to show you his new song, but now he's just disappointed because you didn't show up."
It took a moment before Freddie realized what Roger said - probably the last bit of alcohol caused it.
"BRIAN! Get up! We have to leave now!"
The sound of someone getting out of bed could be heard just before Brian stumbled in to join the passive-aggressive conversation.
He was also only wearing his undergarments.
"You two didn't-" Roger said and interrupt himself halfway through. The smile that grew on his face was kind of disturbed.
"No!" Brian answered. "Or did we?"
He shot a terrified look towards Freddie, who solved the mystery.
"No, we didn't. We were just completely shitfaced and hot and so we decided to sleep half naked."

John blocked the whole sofa in the control room by laying on it.
He looked at a photography, that was made one years ago when Queen was doing doing their tour through Japan and he always kept in his purse.
It showed all four of them sitting on a bench under a red umbrella-thingy and him and Roger just before a kiss.
It was one of John's favorite pictures because it showed so much life.
He regret the stupid hat he was wearing, but all in all it was great.
It distracted him from the boredom that was torturing him.

"Deeeeeakyyyyyy!" Freddie yelled when he pushed the heavy metal door of the studio open.
John immediately sat up and on his face was a painful expression. It quickly changed into a smile when he saw Freddie coming towards him with his arms wide open.
"I'm so sorry, dear. Brian and I were so drunk yesterday-"
In that moment said person and Roger came in. Both were visually out of breath.
"How the hell are you able to run that fast?" Roger moaned and sat down on the chair in front of the mixing table.
"-we literally slept until like half an hour ago. I heard you wanted to show us something, dear? Let's get started."
Freddie slapped his thighs and pressed a kiss on John cheek.
Roger could hardly surpress a jealous "HEY!".
John got up and slightly limped as he walked over to grab his bass guitar. He sat down on the couch again before he took a deep breath and started to play the bass riff for You and I.
Roger and John already agreed that the drummer would do the vocal part so he started to sing along, still a little out of breath.

After a few minutes, the song was finished and John looked at the other members in expectation.
Brian nodded and was visually impressed and so was Freddie. His eyes were shining.
"Oh my god! I'm so excited to sing this!"
He reached over to Roger to get the scribbled lyrics.
Meanwhile John put his instrument aside.
Brian's was quiet. He suddenly remembered the stuff he had done last night. The memory was probably trigged by John's open love song for Roger and his following jealousy.
He tried to wipe the thoughts away by asking John how he wanted to guitar riff to be like.
It didn't quite work.
John handed Brian a second paper with some notes.
"Something like this. But you can change it a little if you feel like it."
Man, why did Deaky had to be that nice! It made Brian feel even worse about being in love with Roger...

"So, John, I think we should do the unpleasant part now." Freddie announced and laid his arm around the bassist.
"No, please!" John whined quietly.
He unconsciously started to trace the thick scar on his wrist with his fingertips.
"Come on! It's just back vocals! Nobody will actually hear you, it just rounds up the sound."
"You will hear me." John pouted and tried to hide his panic.
"Um, no. We have fat fucking headphones on!"
Freddie placed them around John's neck and pointed to Brian and Roger who already wore them and joked around in the recording room.
John still looked unsure and bit his lower lip. His arms were crossed in front of his chest.
"If you don't believe me, put the headphones on."
John did.
The singer told the man on the mixing board - David - to put on the music.
David gave Freddie a thumbs up when the music was playing.
Brian and Roger almost got a heart attack from the sudden music.
Eventually, Freddie started to sing.
John was surprised that he really almost couldn't hear his friend. And when John sung a little more quiet the other three truly weren't able to hear him!
He nodded slowly and stumbled into the recording room. The two that were already in it, looked at him in surprise.
Rogers smile was big and Brian looked kind of proud. The drummer came over to John and gave him a short kiss and then a longer one.
"Alright, lovebirds. Let's get down to business." Freddie joined his band members and clapped his hands.

Oh my God. I can't believe I actually updated this fic in less then a century!!
This chapter is a little shorter than the other ones, but it's better than nothing, I guess :)
I hope you liked it!

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