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Freddie and John were cuddling in the bedroom, while Roger and Brian were watching a movie on TV.
Roger had also changed into some sweatpants and a bathrobe and sat curled up next to Brian.
The movie was kind of boring and the whole room was smelling like soup, which made Roger hungry.
He stood up and went to the kitchen counter to make some toast. The soup boiling in a small pot on the stove was for John. Roger stirred it and then let it continue to simmer.
When his toast jumped out of the toaster, he scraped some butter on it and took a bite.
"Do you want something to eat, too?" Roger asked Brian.
The guitarist shook his head.
"Well, then..."
Roger laid his toast onto the counter and pulled a bowl out of the cupboard. With a trowel he put some broth in it. He even served a piece of bread to it.
Carefully, Roger brought the bowl and the bread into the bedroom.
Even though John wasn't a big fan of eating at the place you sleep, he didn't complain - he was just too ill.
Freddie was spooning John when he entered.
"Your food, John. I hope you can keep it down."
Freddie let go of John and helped him sit up.
"Thanks." John mumbled. He gave Roger a kiss on the cheek when he placed the bowl on the nightstand.
The whole situation felt like when the four were still living together. Freddie often cuddled with John in the past - there was nothing sexual or romantic to it, though. They were just very good friends.
And with Brian watching TV in the next room, it felt even more like in the past.
"Can I get something too?" Freddie asked with a sugar-sweet voice and fluttered his eyelashes.
"You can get up and take it yourself, dickhead. There isn't written 'servant' on my forehead."
"Bitch." Freddie only replied, jumping off the bed and slapping Roger's arms playfully before leaving the room.
John pat the now empty space beside him in the bed, signing his boyfriend to join him again.
Roger laid himself next to him with the greatest pleasure.
The bassist placed the bowl in his lap and started slurping it carefully.
"What were you doing in the living room?" He asked.
"Just watching a movie with Bri. You?"
"Nothing special either. I chatted with Freddie a little bit."
John took another spoonful. Roger watched him with his big blue eyes, which John absolutely adored.
"What were you talking about?" He asked, trying not to sound nosy. It kind of failed.
"Wouldn't you like to know, drumer-boy?" John laughed, followed by coughing his lungs out.
"Karma, I guess. No, we actually talked about our relationships. Did you know Freddie is going out with some dude named David? He seems very kind of what Freddie has told me."
Roger shook his head. He was confused, he always thought Freddie was straight. What happened to Mary?
"If he's happy." He shrugged and then continued to whisper. "And what's up with Mary?"
But before John could answer his question, Freddie entered the room again. He started slurping his soup too and soon the room was filled with annoying sounds.
Roger stroked Johns thigh before going back to Brian, who was still sitting on the couch but the TV was turned off by now and he was reading in his astrophysics book.
The drummer went to the counter to grab his toast, which had lost its warmth.
He took a big bite from it.
"Is a test coming up?" Roger asked with food in his mouth.
"First of all, yes there is. Second of all, you're disgusting."
Yet unbelievably adorable, Brian would have loved to add, but he pulled himself together.
As a result of that sentence, Roger chewed provokingly with his mouth open.
"Stop that shit!" Brian smacked his head with the school book.
Roger really did stop after that to rub his forehead and kick Brian's leg.
"Fuck you." He laughed.
Then the two continued with what they were doing before - studying astrophysics and eating toast.
Suddenly Brian sighed dramatically and leant far back into the couch.
He looked at Roger.
"I'm sorry but I better go now. My mind just won't focus when I'm here and that test is really important."
He stood up and got dressed. Then he swung his backpack onto his back and went to the door.
Roger followed him.
"Good luck with that test." Roger smiled and held the door open.
"Ou, so friendly!" Brian replied with sarcasm.
He nodded to Roger, faced the inside the flat and yelled:
"Bye Freddie, bye Deaky!"
Only Freddie answered with another Bye! and then Brian already stepped outside.
Roger carefully closed the door.
The reason why the door had to be closed gently was that the door knob had already fallen off three times since John moved in here.
Two times were because of Roger.

Brian  hadn't been able to keep his thoughts on his studies when Roger was sitting next to him.
The touch of him, even though it was a kick, left a warm feeling inside his stomach. He loved how Roger teased him, even if he was being annoying.
So he decided to leave, before he could do something dumb. Like suddenly confess his feelings or kiss him.
Brian knew that Roger was head over heels for John, a blind man could see that too. He felt guilty thinking about John's man like this.
The test was in two days and he already knew that he couldnt bring himself to study again today.
His mind was drifting away, he was imagining Roger in situations that would never happen unconsciously and he noticed that he was getting hard.

Freddie was still in bed with John. John had fallen asleep again and laid on Freddie's arm.
Which was getting numb.
He slowly pulled it back and left the bed even slower. On tiptoes the singer left the room and closed the bedroom door with the highest precision.
When he turned around he noticed that Roger was watching him suspiciously.
"John has fallen asleep." Freddie whispered.
"O, don't worry. Almost nothing is able to wake him up once he is in his dreamland."
Freddie laughed and threw his head back while doing so. He joined Roger on the couch now.
"Do you need a good cuddling too?"
"No thanks!" He smiled. "Let's chat."
Freddie agreed. Roger leant back to get into a more comfortable position.
"What should we talk about? The album? I don't really wanna talk about work now, though."
"Actually, I wanted to talk about John and me. Yesterday we said I love you and shit to each other for the first time. Then we made out-"
"But John's sick?" The singer interrupted. He looked a little bit disgusted.
"Yeah, but that's not important now. Well, we made out and then he told me that he was ready to do more."
"Oh, okay. What did you do?"
"I told him that he was still ill and that we should wait until he's healthy again. But that's not the problem. I'm actually scared. He's so pure and I've slept with more people then I have fingers!"
Roger looked so helpless it made Freddie sad.
"I know he's a virgin and I want to make his first time special but I actually don't. Know. How."
Freddie was petting his knee.
"You should ask him what to do and comfort him. Let him take the lead." He advised.
"I don't have any experiences with guys, so maybe I'm not the biggest help."
Lie. And both of them knew. But Roger just smiled relieved. He looked to the bedrooms door. To know that the love of his life was laying right behind it made him feel like the happiest man alive.
John was probably covered in drool and got messy hair but Roger only got butterflies thinking about this.
He was happy that his boyfriend thrusted him enough to do such a big thing with him.
He focused on Freddie again.
"You really love him, huh?" Freddie said softly to which Roger could only nod.
"But let's not talk about us the whole time. Everything okay with you and Mary?"
"Yeah. We're still happy. Maybe not as much in love as you two lovebirds, but we're good."
He smiled sadly and didn't even dare to look Roger in the eyes.
"I'm thinking about proposing to her."
"You what?!" Roger screamed. He immediately smacked his hands on his mouth. Maybe that was a little too loud. Nothing was heard in John's room so Roger kept talking.
"Do you have a ring? Can I see it? Man, I wish I could marry Deaky."
"No, I don't have a ring yet. But I thought about a little diamond ring."
Roger was impressed that Freddie wanted to bind himself to Mary permanently. Also, hadn't John told him earlier that he was having a relationship with some dude named David? Was he having an affair?
Freddie would never do something like this. Or would he? Roger wasn't sure.
He has had some affairs himself, so he couldn't quite tell, I mean nobody would have suspected that he was a cheater!
But he wasn't one anymore.
He had changed.
For John.

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